Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Imax Cinema, Silver City, Ottawa


Marina Szikora,
correspondent for Radio Radical [*]
the 39th Congress of the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational and Transparty saw the participation of a wide representative of those currently in the most radical expression of the 'needy of the world. Being present for the 'where the oppressed people fighting for fundamental rights, for freedom' and democracy. Expression of reality 'but also present a reminder of all those who were battles of the transnational party since its establishment in Congress in Budapest in 1989 until today. And among them also those in favor of recognizing the independence of Croatia and to end the devastating war in the former Yugoslavia whose traumatic consequences are still a burden for the Balkan region which has great need to go beyond the past and in the form of reconciliation, progress and stability 'readiness to implement the priority' of all countries in the area - the euro-Atlantic integrations. He also stressed for years the friend of the PRNT, the Croatian president Ivo Josipovic in his letter of greeting sent to Congress in Chianciano.

"Your Chianciano and to meet 'at the same time a reminder of what that twenty years ago you took for an independent Croatia, free and democratic. Then, with your non-violent initiative, wearing the uniform of Croatian soldiers, but unarmed, you are visiting nell'Osijek besieged and New Year 1991 you asked the world to the urgent recognition of the Republic of Croatia and the end of its military. Without weapons, have fought with the non-violent approach to peace and to end the atrocities' of the war, just like today struggle with your policy for a strong and truly united, "wrote the head of state in his Croatian Ivo Josipovic letter to Emma Bonino, Marco Pannella and all the radical friends. Josipović noted that Croatia, emerging from atrocities' of guerra si "e' dotata anche di una esperienza preziosa. Da un paese che doveva affrontare molti problemi del dopoguerra, siamo diventati uno stato partner. E' per questo che vogliamo essere la' dove una tale esperienza e aiuto possono essere necessari. La' dove pace e democrazia sono cosi' desiderate e invocate. La' dove i popoli oppressi lottano tutt'ora per ottenere i loro fondamentali diritti e liberta'" ha detto il presidente croato che proprio nei giorni dello svolgimento del Congresso radicale ha festeggiato il suo primo anno di presidenza in Afghanistan, diventando il primo presidente della Croazia a visitare il contingente di soldati croati in missione di pace in Afghanistan. Le forze militari croate, ricordiamolo, partecipano nella missione di pace della NATO – ISAF. La profesionalita' dei soldati croati e' particolarmente plaudita e si ringrazia soprattutto la decisione di aumentare il contingente dei militari croati in Afghanistan. Va detto che anche se esistono molti problemi politici, tra cui in particolare la molto diffusa corruzione, molta attenzione viene dedicata al lavoro con le comunita' locali, all'educazione e alla sanita'. La Croazia finora ha dato il suo prezioso contributo ai progetti di sviluppo, autonomamente e anche nell'ambito dell'UNDP.

Al congresso del PRNT, dalla Croazia, hanno partecipato come iscritto, il membro del parlamento croato ed ex ministro degli esteri Tonino Picula e come ospite, Vesna Pusić, altrettanto parlamentare croata, esponente del Partito Croatian people and president of the National Commission to follow the negotiations on Croatia's accession to the EU. Vesna PUSIC and 'also very active in dell'ELDR, namely the European Liberal, which' was also vice president. In his speech, as a member of the parliamentary and PRNT, Tonino Picula stressed the importance of broad representation at meetings radicals as active contribution and response to emergencies of violence and injustice happening or happening in different parts of the world. Picula According to the recent financial crisis has provided profound interconnectedness of all parts of the world. Almost there are no more 'local or regional crises. The crisis started to be increasingly isolated incidents and more and more 'symptoms the weakness of the global system, said the deputy Croatian. And as a common connection to global security today primarily takes the social, economic, energy and environmental standards. Political conflicts are caused mainly due to the violation of human rights and freedom 'fundamental, profound and wide-scale corruption, the existence of the small elite that controls a large portion of national wealth, weak governance and lack of a network of social security. We can say, said Picula, which we now live together in a way that a neighbor who is 'falling can' be dangerous in the same way as powerful and aggressive neighbor. There is much evidence that multilateral and regional organizations need revitalization.

In the opinion of radical Croatian, the crisis of the EU, OSCE, UN and other multilateral organizations, and 'above politics. It 'clear in this regard that structural reforms in themselves will not solve all political problems that only those States which are part can address. Picula is convinced that the proper functioning of multilateral diplomacy and multilateral organizations are not possible without regard to the concept of multicultural society 'individual can not go on without introducing new models of integration of all communities' of minorities, those from ethnic to sexual ones. It must be said, says the deputy Croatian, multilateral organizations will be judged by their actions and not merely from their statements. It seems that now the EU and 'more' important issue of how to expand the efficiency of the European Fund of Stability 'and as Financial extend the number of member states. With the exception of Croatia, which could join the EU around 2013, said Picula, probably no other country in the Balkans (Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, BiH, Montenegro and Albania) will not be 'ready for entry in' EU before 2020. The EU, Picula warns, will not repeat 'the mistake he had committed by accepting the Cyprus and will not accept' more 'the entry of countries that have not resolved land issues and status with their neighbors. Here goes

warned that two of the most European countries 'youth, Montenegro and Kosovo are in the immediate vicinity of Croatia and the country more' unstable, which would be the BiH, Croatia shares a 1,000 km border. And unfortunately, BH and 'still rather a process that one was true, says the former foreign minister of Croatia. The EU can 'help BiH to implement the necessary reforms but can not' dictate policy, let alone direct his government to govern in order to ensure smooth or established '. What is' the one on which the Western Balkan countries can expect in the second decade of the 21st century calls Picula? The truth 'is that you need to be desired, and not only comply with the conditions imposed. Despite the fact that the EU today is 'facing a sort of crisis of legitimacy' (the most 'low response to the recent European elections, resistance to further enlargement, a shaky position in the last financial crisis, etc..,) and the EU' the project more 'important throughout the history of Europe. For this reason, even from the stage of the Congress of the PRNT, the representatives of the countries aspiring to join the EU and if they pose as one of the priorities' of their current and future commitments, the EU should remain a union open to new member states but also to new initiatives.

[*] The text is a transcript of the correspondence to the crossing point to South East aired February 22 . The audio / video recording of the proceedings of the conference is available in Italian, English and French at the Radical Radio.


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