Saturday, September 27, 2008

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The History of Thoth the 'Atlantean

I, Thoth 's Atlantean , master of mysteries, keeper of accounts, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation, being about to go to the Halls of Amenti , put in writing, to teach those who come after, that illustrates the powerful wisdom of the Glorious Atlantis .

In the great city of Keor on the island of UNDAL , in a long time ago, I began this incarnation.

The powerful Atlantis not lived and died as the little men of the present era, but rather, from age to age, renewing their lives in the Halls of Amenti , where the river of life flows eternally renewed.

hundred times ten I went through the dark path that leads to Light , and every time I ascend from darkness to light have renewed my strength and my power.

Now descend for a while. The men of Khem not see me anymore.

But at a future time will rise again, strong and powerful, demanding an account of who I left behind.

Be careful, therefore, O men of Khem , if you have betrayed my teaching with falsehood, I will make you fall from your high status in the darkness of the cave where you came from.

Do not tell my secrets to men of the North or the South men lest my curse fall upon you.

remember and pay attention to my words, for surely come again and ask you what you preserve.

Yes, even beyond time and beyond death I return, rewarding or punishing, because your loyalty reciprocated.

Great was my people in ancient times, great beyond the imagination of the little people now around me; it knew the wisdom of the ancient, tried out in the heart of the infinite knowledge that belonged to the youth of the Earth .

We were wise with the wisdom of Children of Light who dwelt among us.

We were strong thanks to the power extracted from Eternal Fire.

And all these, the greatest among the sons of men was my father, Thotme , keeper of the Great Temple through among the Children of Light who dwelt in Temple and the race of men who inhabited the ten islands .

spokesman, after the Three , 's Dweller of Unal speaking to Re voice that had to be obeyed.

I grew up there as a child to maturity, being started by my father to the ancient mysteries, grew up at a time when the fire of wisdom, which later exploded in a flame of destruction.

not wanted that the attainment of wisdom.

A great day 's Dweller of the Temple gave the command that had brought him.

were few children of men who had laid eyes on that mighty face and lived, for the Children of Light are not like children of men when are not embodied in a physical body.

I had been chosen from among the sons of men to be educated by ' Dweller that his intentions could be made, not born again proposed by the womb of time.

For long ages dwelt in the Temple , gaining more wisdom, too, until I went to light diffused by the Great Fire .

L ' Dweller taught me the path to Amenti , the land where the Great King was sitting on his throne of power.

bowed with profound deference before Lords of Life and the Lords of Death, receiving as a gift the Key of Life .

I was free in Halls of Amenti, bound not by death to the circle of life.

traveled far to the stars, as long as space and time became insignificant.

Then having drunk deeply from the cup of wisdom, I looked into the hearts of men, I found the biggest mysteries, and I was happy.

Why only in Search of Truth my Soul could be quenched its flame be extinguished.

I lived through the centuries, seeing the others around sipping from the cup of death and back again to Light of Life.

Gradually through Kingdoms Atlantis passed waves of consciousness that had been one with me, only to be replaced by the progeny less of a star.

In obedience to the Law the word of the Master grew in the flower.

The thoughts of the Atlanteans turned deep into the darkness, until finally the 'Dweller his anger with his erse AGWANTI , pronouncing the Word , calling the power.

Deep in the Earth , the Sons of Amenti heard, and they moved the mutation Fire Flower that burns eternally, changing and mutandolo, using Logos until the Great Fire changed its direction.

the world then broke the great waters, flooding and submerging, changing the balance of the Earth until he was left standing only the Temple of Light on a large mountain of UNDAL , still high on the water, there were those who still lived, except in the flow waves.

Then Master called me, saying

" Gather my people. With the arts you have learned through the waters, take it away, until you reach the land of the hairy barbarians who dwell in desert caves. You execute the plan that you know " .

So I gathered my people and I went on the great ship of Master .

sailed in the morning. Below us was the Tempio nel buio.

Improvvisamente sopra di questo si sollevarono le acque. Così il Grande Tempio fu sparito dalla Terra , fino al tempo stabilito.

Velocemente fuggimmo verso il sole del mattino, finché sotto di noi ci fu la terra dei figli di Khem .

Costoro, furiosi, vennero con bastoni e lance alzate per l’ira, cercando di uccidere e distruggere i Figli di Atlantide .

Then I raised my staff and I produced a range of vibration, striking only in their footsteps, as a landslide of rocks of the mountain.

Then I spoke with their words be kind and peaceful, telling of the power of Atlantis, saying we were the children of the Sun and its messengers.

intimidated them using the magic of science, until it fell to my feet, then freed them.

long dwelt in the land of Khem , for a long, long time. In obedience to the commands of the Master , which lives eternally dormant, moved the children of Atlantis, sent them in many directions, so that from the womb of time wisdom might wake up again in his children.

long dwelt in the land of Khem, doing great works with my wisdom.

They grew to light of knowledge the children of Khem , wet from the rain of my wisdom.

Aprii poi il sentiero per Amenti così da poter conservare i miei poteri, vivendo di epoca in epoca come un Sole di Atlantide , mantenendo la saggezza, preservando le testimonianze.

Divennero grandi i figli di Khem , conquistando i popoli intorno a loro, evolvendosi lentamente in consapevolezza dell’Anima.

Adesso mi allontano per un periodo da loro, vado verso le oscure Sale di Amenti in profondità nelle Sale della Terra , davanti ai Lords of Power once again in front of ' Dweller .

I built a door above the entrance, a gate driver down to Amenti .

Few would have dared to osarlo, few pass the portal of the dark Amenti . Edificai above Step a Great Pyramid, using the power that exceeds the strength of the Earth . Very deep down I placed a room or hall full of energy; from this dug a circular passage that almost reached the summit great. Beyond the apex, a crystal that position, sending a beam in "Space-Time " , drew the strength out of the ether, concentrating on gate Amenti .

other rooms I built and left apparently empty, yet they are the keys to Amenti .

Who will bravely groped the realms of darkness, must purify himself by fasting for long. Lie in the sarcophagus di pietra nella mia stanza. Poi gli rivelerò i grandi misteri. Poco dopo s’inoltrerà dove io, Thoth , Signore di Saggezza , lo incontrerò, nell’oscurità della Terra , tenendolo sempre con me e dimorando con lui.

Costruii la Grande Piramide , disegnata sopra la piramide di forza terrestre, ardente eternamente così che possa durare attraverso i secoli. In questa accumulai la mia conoscenza della Magica Scienza così che possa ritrovarla qui quando di nuovo tornerò da Amenti . Yes, while I'm sleeping in Halls of Amenti, my Soul errant free will incarnate, dwelling among men in this or in another form.

I am the ' Emissary on Earth ' s Dweller , in default of its controls in order that man may be raised. Now return to the Halls of Amenti , leaving behind me a bit 'of my wisdom.

preserve and maintain the command of ' Dweller: Lift up your eyes always towards the Light .

Certainly over time, you will become one with the Master certainly right for you will become one with the Master certainly right for you will become one with the All .

Now, I start with you. Know my commandments, and watch them Be such, and I will be with you, helping you and guiding you toward the light .

now before me opens the portal.

I'm going down in the dark night.

Interpretation Doreal

to Table I

Passing Thoth towards Salt Amenti not was the change we call death. Simply put his body in the range of physical force, later referred to as the cold Flower of Life, where they should be preserved forever. He would not return as Thoth. While his body remained in suspended animation, his consciousness returned and lived in many foreign lives.

Keor was the city's clergy Atlantis . For UNDAL , the island just opposite to Unal, there were two cities, or rather two parts of a big city that stretched across the island. The island was completely surrounded by walls, terraces and divided in half by a high wall.

Keor was faced with Unal and was the seat of the clergy, while the other side of the island was known as Chien and was the seat of science classes and philosophical. No one was allowed on the island if it was not fitted with a pass signed by the heads of the group.

Powerful cited were the followers of Atlantis and they were thirteen in number. Thotme , Father Thoth, was the chief or governor of the thirteen . They practiced the doctrine that would become the Great White Lodge . They knew the way to the Halls of Amenti , where he remained for a period in the Flower of Life to rejuvenate your body.

The same Thoth was down to Amenti a hundred times to renew his body. And, since he had must come down once every fifty years, Thoth had roughly about 50,000 years time of this writing. He 20,000 years at the time of the collapse of Atlantis , so the drawing boards should have occurred about 20,000 years ago.

Thoth put his body under the original Flower of Life, to be able to reuse it again at will, and being born in other bodies moved his conscience. He says that surely will rise again in a body at a time yet to come. In Tables the period mentioned is shown next to where the invaders from outer space attacking the Earth . He left the secret of Pyramids and large warship under the Sphinx .

's men Khem, or Egypt, had been left as guardians, have faithfully executed the order and safeguard the secrets. L ' Arcana Saggezza che aveva insegnato ha consentito di tutelare i segreti dalla gente che è venuta in seguito.

La gente di Thoth non era l’intera collettività Atlantide a , ma il gruppo che viveva ad Undal , e che radunava la classe scientifica, filosofica e sacerdotale. Avevano imparato a cercare la conoscenza alla fonte, dalle Testimonianze Akashiche .

I Figli della Luce erano venuti tra loro da molto tempo ed avevano insegnato la wisdom to step forward: the power of eternal fire of Universal Consciousness.

Thotme , father of Thoth, was a high priest of UNDAL , spokesman for the Children of Light and of ' Dweller to UNDAL , for kings and for the people of the islands.

Thoth was instructed in the mysteries that were in the secret archives of the Temple . In the past, had evolved to such a degree that quickly learn the truths that were taught. The desire of the supreme knowledge, the forces led so deep as to put on a vibration so high as to become the 'Dweller aware of its existence.

L ' Dweller did not look or human form, but a body similar to that used by Consciousness during the initial part of the first cycle, ie the globular body .

The Light and power emitted by this body were so great for the average level of human consciousness that only a high level of vibration could sustain material still remaining.

L ' Dweller saw Thoth was ready to receive the Spark of light emitted by the flame. The intensification of the flame led to Thoth a more vigorous life than that of ordinary men. As knowledge grew, he was shown the path to the Halls of Amenti dove è concentrata la forza del Fiore della Vita su questo pianeta.

Di fronte ai Signori della Vita e della Morte , ricevette le chiavi della vita e della morte, con il potere di prenderle o lasciarle a piacimento.

Ottenuto il potere sulla vita e sulla morte, Thoth fu preparato a lasciare il suo corpo, ed a sua volontà viaggiare nelle vaste estensioni di questo spazio-tempo.

Enjoy the wisdom of the cosmos, he discovered that it was based on the hearts and minds of men. In it he found the greatest mysteries, because it is through man that the cosmos extends in an area unexplored.

Thoth was born about 20,000 years first dell'inabissamento of Atlantis . But because he had accepted a particular task, it is not pierced as others who have reached the Before lighting . Those who were with him in his youth, went on Venus to be replaced by a wave of consciousness coming from Mars.

The next wave of consciousness was such that it was not possible to entrust them knowledge and wisdom of the early Atlanteans , because they were abusing. L ' Dweller uttered the Word of Power that was heard by the Lords of the Cycles residents to Amenti, who, hearing him, they changed the balance of the Earth into new channels, thus causing the sinking of Atlantis , And dragging away even science and knowledge that the people possessed. This knowledge, although negligible in comparison to that which possessed the Children of Light, it was too large to remain in the hands of the primitives. The Flower of Life is not in Fire Flower of Life but cold in the pyramid of fire which is the balance of the Earth .

The Temple of Light was not the Temple of Unal, but the outer Temple the clergy of UNDAL . The Temple of Unal was never reported as Temple, but as the port or place of ' Dweller . Knowing what it was made, it was not considered possible to its destruction, and thus was not considered nell'inabissamento. Only a few of the wise men of UNDAL were spared when the rest of the land sank.

The land of the hairy barbarians is the land now known as Egypt . Khem was the first cultural center founded by the Atlanteans . From there, were sent to a spokesman in other barbarian tribes in various parts of the earth's surface. This was the plan stated, use Khem as headquarters for a new breed of culture.

The ship's Master was a spaceship capable of traveling between planets, and was armed with weapons that could destroy all living beings on Earth , if you use a full power. The atmosphere was driven by atomic engines, but outside the heavy layer, could move with the thought, not only between the planets, but space in the mind of any pilot could see. Its structure was such that its substance is raised or lowered their vibration in accordance with the will of the pilot.

When Thoth left the island of Unal (although it does not mention him, Unal had already sunk), the great Temple or place of ' Dweller sank, but was not destroyed.

The barbarians, when they met Thoth and his followers, the Atlanteans , attempted to kill them, but were restrained by a radius of paralyzing stick Thoth or pole of power. This pole was able to transmit hundreds of different events or project power, enacted by the owner.

The supernatural power manifested by Thoth caused the subjugation of the barbarians. And his statement was a Son of the Sun was the basis of sun worship among the ancient races. Thoth, of course, was referring to Spiritual Sun . It took many years to establish the new home of the Children of the Sun . When it was completed, were sent delegates to educate and guide for other races.

spent time, and Thoth found it necessary to open a passage for Amenti to renew his body, though still powerful, after hundreds of years was beginning to weaken. It was necessary, because his task was not yet concluded.

After a long period of barbarous Khem developed consciousness, until they were able to continue without the help of Thoth . Thoth planned to return to the Halls of Amenti and put her body under the Flower of Life, and his conscience would have gone elsewhere. The entry of Amenti is under the Great Pyramid of Cheops (or Khufu ), which was built by changing the atomic structure of the stone so that it becomes very light and will reshape when placed . Under the Pyramid is a room energy (force), linked to ' apex of the pyramid from a channel or well. At the top of the channel is a lens or crystal, which emits rays of energy led from the room. These rays are directed towards space and time, bending, opening a path under the dimensional pyramid to the Halls of Amenti that, with the simultaneous movement and spatial Earth, there are in your space.

The secret rooms are those mentioned in the book of the Great Pyramid . The sarcophagus is connected with the center channel. When you relax in for a particular period of time, the body is transported down the channel at the center of the room of energy. This knowledge was preserved in subsequent years, but degraded to initiation rite. Was first necessary to smear the body with an ointment given to the occupant was transported, but this knowledge was not preserved by the Egyptians who came after.

The Great Pyramid is indestructible. If its hidden parts will be ruined, they will unleash the forces of Guardians, which will destroy any person or thing obstacle in their will.

Thoth later took flesh as Hermes and other Grand Masters, but not always on Earth .

Thoth says that in his time, others will be able to walk the same path.

- A sentry the "Table I" of Thoth -

on youtube ,

- in Audiobook -



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