Saturday, September 27, 2008

Proof Of Residency Letter From Landlord Sample



The Birth of Area

Ascolta, oh uomo, la voce della saggezza, ascolta la voce di Thoth l’ Atlantideo . Liberamente ti dono la mia saggezza raccolta dal tempo e dallo spazio di questo ciclo; maestro di misteri, Sole del mattino , vivente per sempre, un Figlio della Luce splendente di luminosità, stella del mattino, Thoth educatore degli uomini, e di Tutto .

Tanto tempo fa, nella mia infanzia, mi trovavo sotto le star Atlantis, long since buried and dreaming of the mysteries of the above men. Then my heart grew a great desire to achieve the path to the stars.

Year after year I sought the wisdom, seeking new knowledge, following the path, until at last my soul, in great travail, broke his chains and jumped on.

I was free from the slavery of the people of Earth . Free from my body, I screened me in the night.

For me it was open space stellar. I was free from the bondage of night. I tried to space limit wisdom, far beyond the knowledge of finite man.

Far out in space, my soul traveled freely in the infinite circle of light . Strange, beyond knowledge, were some of the planets, big and gigantic, beyond dreams of men.

Yet I found the Law in all its beauty, working through and among them as here among men. My soul is projected through the infinite beauty, and my thoughts flew away through space.

I rested on a planet of great beauty. Harmonious melodies were spread in the air. There were shapes moving in Order . They were big and majestic as stars in the night: ascending in harmony, balance sorted, symbols of the Cosmic , according to the Law .

In my journey I visited many stars, many races of men in their worlds, some reaching as high as the morning stars, others that fell down in the dark of night.

They all crawled upwards, reaching heights and plumb the depths, sometimes moving into the realms of light, living in darkness, to reach the light .

Know, oh man, that Light is your legacy. Know that darkness is only a veil. Sealed in your heart there is the eternal glory waiting time to gain freedom, waiting to remove the veil of the night.

I found someone who has conquered the air. They were free from space, yet they were still men. Using the force that is the foundation of ALL things away in space, they built a planet, drawn by the power that flows from ALL , condensing, melting into the ether forms that grew as they wanted. Going beyond science in all races, mighty in wisdom, sons of the stars .

I stopped a long time to study their wisdom. I saw them build huge cities out of the ether of pink and gold. Consisting of the original basis of all matter, the ether was projected far.

away Then they conquered the ether, freed from the bondage of toil; formed in their mind only a picture and promptly created, developed.

Then forth my soul sped through the cosmos , seeing new things and old, learning that the man is truly born in space, a Sun of the Sun, a child of the stars .

Know, O man, any body you live, is certainly one with the stars. Your bodies are nothing but planets revolving around their central suns. When you've reached the light of all wisdom, you are free to shine in the ether, one of Suns that light up the darkness outside, being a born and raised in space Light . Just like the stars in time lose their brilliance radiating light a greater source, so, oh man, your soul moves on, leaving behind the darkness of night.

You format the primary ether, filled with the light flowing from the source age-related time around, but always burning until at last you're free. Free your flame from the darkness, flying by night and be free.

Ho viaggiato attraverso lo spazio-tempo, sapendo che la mia anima alla fine sarebbe stata libera ed avrei potuto perseguire la saggezza.

Finché, alla fine, passai su di un piano nascosto alla conoscenza e non conosciuto alla saggezza, estensione di là da tutto quello che conoscevamo. Ora, oh uomo, quando seppi questo, felicemente la mia anima crebbe, perché ormai ero libero.

Ascolta, tu nato nello spazio, ascolta la mia saggezza: non sai che anche tu puoi essere libero.

Ascolta ancora, oh uomo, la mia saggezza, perché ascoltandomi puoi vivere and be free.

You do not belong to the land Earth, but you are the son of ' Infinite Cosmic Light.

not know, oh man, your heritage? Do not you know who you really are Light ? Sun of the Great Sun , when you reach the wisdom to become truly aware of your communion with the Light .

Now I give you the knowledge, the ability to pursue the path I have traveled, showing you really like with my effort, I walked sulla via che porta alle stelle.

Ascolta, oh uomo, e sappi della tua schiavitù, sappi di come liberarti dalle fatiche. Devi levarti sopra delle tenebre, ed essere uno con la Luce ed uno con le stelle. Segui sempre il cammino della saggezza. Solo così potrai elevarti dal basso. Il destino conduce avanti ogni uomo, nelle Curve dell’Infinito TUTTO .

Sappi, uomo, che tutto lo spazio è ordinato. Solo con l’ Ordine tu sarai Uno con il TUTTO .

Order and balance are the Law of the Cosmos . Follow them and you One with ALL .

who follows the path of wisdom must be open to Flower of Life, by expanding our consciousness beyond the darkness, to flow through time and space in ALL .

remains deeply silent and you have to first wait until, finally, be free from desire, free from the desire to speak. Both won by silent slavery of words. Abstain from food until you have conquered the desire for food, which is the slavery of the soul.

Then lie in the darkness, closing his eyes to the rays of light . Focus your life force in the place of consciousness, moving freely from the constraints of the night. Ask in your mind the image you want.

View the location you wish to view.

vibrates back and forth with your power.

untie your soul from his night. Eagerly you release it with all your power, until at last your soul will be free.

Far away, beyond words, is the flame of Cosmo was suspended in planes unknown to man, powerful and balanced, moving in the 'Order , music of harmonies, far beyond man. The principle of flame ' of Eternity ALL talks with music, singing with the colors.

You are the spark of flame, oh my son, burning with color and alive with music. Listen to the voice and be free.

consciousness merges with the free Cosmo , One with the 'Order and Law of ALL . You did not know that man out of the darkness the light burned, a symbol of ALL .

Make this prayer for wisdom. Pray for the advent of Light to ALL .

"Oh mighty Spirit of Light that shines in Cosmos attracts my flame closer to your harmony. It lifts my fire out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is One with ALL . It lifts my soul, O thou great and powerful. Child of the Light, do not wander off. Make sure I have the power to melt in your furnace One with all things and all le cose in Uno , fuoco dello sforzo della vita ed Uno con la Mente ”.

Quando libererai la tua anima dalla sua schiavitù, sappi che per te l’oscurità finirà.

Per sempre potrai cercare la saggezza nello spazio, non più legato alla catena forgiata nella carne.

Ti muoverai in alto ed in basso nell’alba come un libero bagliore, oh Anima, verso i reami della Luce .

Muoviti nell’ Ordine , muoviti nell’ Armonia , liberamente ti muoverai con i Figli della Luce .

Cerca e conosci la mia Chiave della Saggezza . Così, oh uomo, sarai certamente libero.

Interpretazione di Doreal

alla Tavola IV

Thoth , in questa tavola, ricorda alcune his experiences in the pursuit of wisdom. It also gives a clear demonstration of his mastery. The liberation of his soul from the chains was the first projection of his consciousness. After developing this power, Thoth was able to explore the mysteries of space and time. Explored other planets and eventually reached the inner loop of Light, the first dimension.

The planet of great beauty was one of the seven planets surrounding the cosmic consciousness in the first dimension. The shapes that moved in order were the globular bodies of the enlightened. Thoth went to all the solar systems and vide i diversi gradi di evoluzione raggiunti nei pianeti più vicini e più lontani ai propri Soli . Gli uomini definiscono quelle forme di vita come attivate dalla coscienza conscia, anche se raramente la loro forma è quella umana. I conquistatori dell’etere erano gli abitanti di Antares , la stessa stirpe che venne sulla Terra in epoche passate. Avevano compreso il segreto del viaggio interplanetario secoli fa, perché erano i più illuminati del loro sistema solare. Materia e forma erano di loro dominio. E dalla Madre Universale , erano capaci di creare ogni cosa desiderassero.

Thoth learned that the man is universal, existing in every part of space and being an integral part of cosmic consciousness. The shape of man, in regard to its materiality, was one with the base material of the stars. As the planets revolve around their sun, so the material body of man revolves around its central sun, the soul. When someone free from the darkness of his consciousness disorder, becomes one of those teachers who work outside on the negative. The human body consists of the original substance, the cosmic dust, which is also the ether in which the planets float. Solving the mysteries of space explaining the causes of the many manifestations of Law who otherwise could not be understood. Thoth knew that he could explore endlessly the gem of truth, until then would be passed to the next cosmic cycle. Then, through eternity, he could pursue knowledge.

The man really does not belong to the Earth not really material, but, ultimately, is the same divine fire. Thoth gives the key to freedom of consciousness from the material, and questa libertà apre il cammino ad altri mondi e piani. Una volta ottenuta, l’uomo non è più legato, ma libero. Solo attraverso la conoscenza si consegue la capacità di liberarsi dal corpo terreno e diventare uno con la Luce .

Come lo spazio è predisposto a seguire la Legge , così anche l’uomo deve generare ordine per elevarsi dal suo stesso essere. Quando l’ordine e l’armonia di tutte le parti del suo essere sono perfetti, allora non è più legato al piano della materia. E progredendo attraverso la sua armonia con la Legge , può ascendere al piano cosmic.

To free the consciousness from the body, the best thing to do is expand the solar plexus (the Flower of Life of the body), and the life force to flow so that the body is preparing to revitalize conscience to leave, otherwise the latter will be reluctant to leave.

Then follow the isolation from external sensory impressions to be foreclosed quickly.

After you reach the silence induced by the will, you will need to focus awareness on the pineal and you will create an image or thought of the scenery of the place where you are going to go. Then with an intense effort of will directed towards the right curves be free from the body.

Cosmic consciousness, literally speaking, is in the first dimension or plane. And his harmonies and orders are such that man, while it is still physical, can not conceive the perfect move.

The human soul is a divine fire, a flame projected from a great fire, although still with it. He is the Light darkness but separated in the power and order.

True prayer is an order, and is dedicated to establishing a harmony or connection between the soul or consciousness and cosmic consciousness .

When he has completely freed his soul from the binding material, is more prone to disorder or to the negativity, and it may seek the wisdom to its source .

- A sentry the "Table IV" of Thoth -

on youtube ,

- in Audiobook -


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