Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Baby Congradulations Wording



L’Abitante di Unal

Spesso sogno la perduta Atlantide , persa nei secoli che sono passati nella notte. Epoche dopo epoche è esistita in bellezza, splendente nell’oscurità della notte.

Grande nel potere, dominando il nato in Terra , Lord of the Earth in the days of Atlantis , Re nations, Master of wisdom, Light in Suntal , Guardian of Street, dwelt in his Temple the Master Unal, Light of Earth in the days of Atlantis .

Master , He was a cycle beyond us, living in a body as one of the men. It was not as earth-born, he beyond us, Sun of a cycle, advanced more than men.

Know, O man, that Horlet Master , was never a son of man .

Far in the past, when Atlantis the principle grew in power, appeared to be with a Key of Wisdom , indicating Via della Luce everything.

He pointed to all men the way for their realization, the Way of Light flowing among men. Dominated the darkness, guide of the human soul upward to the heights that were One with Light .

He divided the kingdoms in parts. They were ten, ruled by the sons of men . On another, he built a temple , undeveloped Children of Men by .

Out of the 'ether He called his substance, shaped and formed by power Ytolan in the forms built with your mind. For miles on miles covered the island. Space space grew in its size. Black, yet not black but dark as space-time, deep in his heart was the 'Essence of Light .

quickly grew the Temple being, shaped and forged by Word 's Dweller, called from the formless into form.

He then built the Temple large rooms, and filled with forms retrieved from ' ether , filled with the wisdom evoked by His mind.

He was without form within your Temple, but had formed the image of men. Dwelt among them, yet it was not unusual and was similar but very different from the children of men .

He then chose among the people, the Three who became his gateway . He chose the Three the most s Ommi that would become his links with Atlantis . They became messengers, the bearers of the council for the king of the sons of men .

He carried out further and taught him the wisdom, teachers, themselves, the sons of men . They settled on the island of UNDAL to make teachers Light men.

Each of those who were chosen as well, had to be trained for fifteen years. Only then would have understood to be Light for sons of men.

So there was built the Temple, a dwelling for the Master man.

I, Thoth, I have always sought wisdom, searching in darkness and light . For a long time in my youth I have walked the path, always trying to learn new knowledge. Until, after many efforts, one of the Three brought me the light . I took the controls of ' Dweller luring them from darkness to light . He took me in front of ' Dweller, deep in Tempio davanti al grande Fuoco .

Là sul grande trono, osservai l’ Abitante , vestito di Luce ed ardente di fuoco. Mi inginocchiai davanti a quella grande saggezza, sentendo le onde della Luce scorrermi attraverso. Udii poi la voce dell’ Abitante :

“Oh oscurità, vieni alla Luce . A lungo hai cercato il cammino della Luce . Ogni anima che sulla Terra scioglie le sue catene, will soon be set free from the bondage of night. From the darkness you've raised and you closest to Light of your goal. Here dwell as one of my children, keeper of evidence gathered by wisdom, the instrument of Light from beyond. Are you ready to do what is necessary, the patron of wisdom through the ages of darkness that will soon be on the children of men . Live here and enjoy all the wisdom. The secrets and mysteries will be revealed. "

Then I said to Master the Cycles , saying

“Oh Luce che discendi agli uomini, dammi la tua saggezza, che io possa essere un insegnante degli uomini. Dammi la tua Luce affinché io possa essere libero”.

Mi parlò ancora, il Maestro :

“Era dopo era dovrai vivere attraverso la tua saggezza. Sì, quando su Atlantide si rovesceranno le onde dell’oceano, conserverai la Luce , anche se nascosta nell’oscurità, pronta a manifestarsi quando tu la invocherai. Ora và, ed impara la grande saggezza. Cresci attraverso la Light of 'Infinite ALL .

Then long dwelt in the Temple of ' Dweller until at last I was One with the Light .

then I followed the path to the stars and planes continued the journey towards the light . Deep in the heart of Earth followed the path, I learned the secrets, as in the above, I learned the path to the Halls of Amenti , learning the Law that balances the world. Nelle camere nascoste della Terra penetrai con la mia saggezza, profonde attraverso la crosta della Terra , nel percorso nascosto per ere ai figli degli uomini . Svelatomi davanti, acquisii più saggezza finché raggiunsi una nuova conoscenza: capii che ogni cosa è parte del TUTTO , grande ed ancora più grande di tutto ciò che conosciamo. Cercai il cuore dell’Infinito attraverso le ere. In profondità e sempre più profondamente, scoprii più misteri.

Ora, quando guardo indietro attraverso le ere, so che la saggezza è senza vincoli, cresce sempre più grande attraverso le ere, Uno con l’Infinito più grande del tutto.

C’era la Luce nell’antica Atlantide . Sì, ma anche l’oscurità era nascosta nel Tutto . Così qualcuno che tra gli uomini si era elevato ai vertici cadde dalla Luce nell’oscurità.

Loro diventarono orgogliosi per la propria conoscenza, orgogliosi del loro posto tra gli uomini. Scavarono in profondità nel proibito ed aprirono la porta che conduceva in basso.

tried to acquire more knowledge, but trying to bring it up from down.

Who goes down must have balance, otherwise it is constrained by the lack of our Light . Then open with their knowledge, the paths forbidden to man.

In your Temple, seeing all the 'Dweller was in his AGWANTI while His Soul roam free for Atlantis . He saw the Atlanteans, by their magic, opening the door that would lead to Earth a great misfortune. So fast, the His Soul returned again in the body. He rose from his AGWANTI . He called Three powerful messengers. He gave commands that shook the world.

Quick 's Dweller descended deep below the Earth's crust the Halls of Amenti . Then requested that the Seven Lords challenge the powers: to change the balance of the Earth . And Atlantis sank beneath the waves obscure.

the opening that was destroyed had been opened and was destroyed in the door that led down.

All the islands were destroyed except Unal, and the island of the sons of ' Dweller . He preserved them because were teachers, lights on the path of those who would come later, lights for the little children of men.

Then He called me, Thoth, in front of him, and I gave orders for all I had to do, saying

"Take, oh Thoth, all your wisdom. Gather all your evidence. Get all your magic. Go forth as a teacher of men. Go forward in time while preserving the evidence that the light grow among all people. Sarai Light through the ages, hidden even detectable by enlightened men. On the whole Earth , WE are giving you the power and freedom in your turn to give it or take it off. Gather now the children of Atlantis. Take it and run towards the people of the caves of the rock. Fly to the land of the sons of Khem.

Then I gathered the children of Atlantis . The spacecraft took all my accounts and those of Atlantis sank. I gathered all my powers, many of the devices potente magia.

Poi ci sollevammo in alto sulle ali dell’alba.

Alti ci sollevammo sul Tempio , lasciandoci dietro i Tre e l’ Abitante , in profondità nelle Sale sotto il Tempio .

Giù sotto le onde s’inabissò il grande Tempio , chiudendo il sentiero verso i Signori dei Cicli .

Eppure per ever, who has the knowledge, will open the path to Amenti .

Fast fled on the wings of the morning to the land of the sons of Khem . There with my power, and they conquered them Dominae. Innalzai to Light the children of Khem .

deep under the rocks occultai my spaceship, waiting the time when man was free. On the spaceship, erected a banner in the shape of a lion, although similar to humans. There, under the figure, resting my spaceship, which will be taken out when the present needs.

Know, O man, that in the distant future will be the invaders out of the deep. Then you wake up, you have to wisdom. You'll have to move my ship and conquer with ease.

Deep below the figure lies my secret. Search for and find in Pyramid that I built.

Each of the other is the key Stone ; each entry that leads to life . Follow Keyword che ho lasciato dietro di me. Cerca, e la porta alla Vita sarà tua. Cerca nella mia Piramide , in profondità nel passaggio che termina con un muro. Usa la Chiave dei Sette , ed a te sarà aperto il passaggio verso il basso.

Adesso ti ho dato la mia saggezza. Ora ti ho indicato la mia via. Segui il percorso. Chiarisci i miei segreti. Ti ho indicato la via.

Interpretazione di Doreal

alla Tavola V

Questa tavola è forse la più mistica, perché contiene anche informazioni finora nascoste all’uomo. Thoth contempla le glorie di Atlantide al suo apice, paragonandola al mondo che aveva intorno a quel tempo.

L’ Abitante di Unal , il Maestro Horlet , era il governatore di tutta la Terra (con il potere cosmico che possedeva), anche se non interveniva nel governo delle nazioni a meno che non fosse necessario.

Horlet non era del tutto di questo ciclo, ma era un’estensione di uno dei Signori dei Cicli , manifestatosi in Terra per compiere certe funzioni necessarie: aiutare a stabilire la conoscenza e l’armonia tra gli uomini. Costituì i regni di Atlantide , dividendoli tra le razze e ponendo i più evoluti come reggenti del resto degli uomini.

Quando costruì il Tempio of Unal modeled ether or primary substance to place it at will, using the power of Ytolan to keep in shape. The Temple Square, was three miles to the side and a mile high. In reality he was not three-dimensional space, but in the ninth dimension, and then darkness. No weapon in the third dimension could damage or even touch it, because whatever you launch yourself against would be lost in the curves of the ninth dimension. He had in his heart the essence of Light , because there was the gateway to Amenti, where the Flower of Life burns eternally.

L ' Dweller used the Word to model the shape of the Temple . The Word then expressed as Ytolan . In Temple 's Dweller created powerful machines of various kinds, consisting of raw materials and active role in his will. Made it would work forever, because the will to provide them with the engine power is an eternal thing.

In Temple 's Dweller not normally expressed in other words the physical body which occupied from time to time remained in the Temple while his consciousness was elsewhere.

were chosen Three men to be messengers of the most advanced ' Dweller . He carefully instructed them on their task, and through them he chose that other systems UNDAL , opposite Unal so were teachers and priests, scientists and philosophers Atlantis .

Thoth had his first contact with the 'Dweller through one of these messengers. He was taken before him in the Temple the great fire. This fire was not the fire of life , but the radiation caused by the coupling space of the Temple with that of Amenti .

Thoth was conducted in front of ' Dweller who sat on the throne, the reflected light the gateway. A Thoth appeared literally covered with fire. informed him that he had been chosen to be the custodian of the evidence, as the 'Dweller could see into the future of man and knew that changes in consciousness have led a wave of evolution for low Earth. He also knew that the destruction would take place in areas of the earth's surface. So had to take action so that nothing was lost. Thoth had this privilege for their own merit.

The reference to ' Dweller as Master of Cycles is a reference to the cycles the earth and the cosmic cycles. He was the guardian of man's progress from one stage to another land. Thoth asked to have the wisdom to be able to offer their knowledge to man.

A Thoth was given eternal life so that he could carry through his regard. He remained in the Temple until he received full enlightenment. A Thoth was given the knowledge to penetrate the secrets of space time and matter, and these revelations had secret access to larger and larger.

In the last days of Atlantis , the great wave of consciousness that had enriched the bodies of the men of Earth was passed to Venus, and the consciousness that was poured on bodies of the masses came from Mars : this was more materialistic than the last.

Guardare nell’oscurità, invece che nella Luce , causò l’apertura di Yog-Sog-Thoth , la porta del ciclo inferiore. Un po’ della coscienza dell’onda precedente fu attratta dal potere materiale e penetrò nel piano: forse fu questa la parte della loro natura che li ha trattenuti dal progredire con i loro compagni.

Chi apre la porta al ciclo inferiore, deve essere un maestro, altrimenti il suo potere non può essere così equilibrato da sostenere chi va dal basso in alto.

Mentre gli uomini attuavano questo, l’ Abitante era lontano dal suo corpo ed era proiettato nel luogo dove ciò stava accadendo.

Quando l’ Abitante vide quello che accadeva, tornò nel suo corpo, chiamò i messaggeri e li mandò ad Atlantide , portandone alcuni ad Undal . L’ Abitante poi discese ad Amenti per forzare l’apertura delle stanze nel canale attraverso il quale passa l’equilibrio della Terra . Quando attraversò la piramide di forza, vi attirò sopra il potere dei Sette e cambiò l’equilibrio della Terra da un canale all’altro, chiudendo il precedente.

Il risultante inabissamento di Atlantide distrusse l’apertura, eliminando le macchine che alteravano lo spazio avviate dagli Atlantidei .

Thoth fu chiamato dall’ Abitante che gli ordinò di procedere nelle terre rimaste in superficie, radunando gli uomini di Undal e raccogliendo le testimonianze ancient wisdom. He was named an educator and disseminator of Light .

Thoth gathered evidence, scientific instruments and machinery, and with essays by Atlantis went into a spaceship and flew to Khem .

The power of the engine of the spacecraft was given by the energy extracted from sun and stored. Electricity is a form of that energy derived from the emanations of the pyramid of power.

When the ship departed, the 'Dweller sealed the Temple and sank with UNDAL beneath the waves. He then and Three went elsewhere.

Thoth arrived in Egypt and conquered the barbarians. Then hid the spaceship, and other devices of war under a large rock, which was then carved like the Sphinx : when the time comes when the invaders attack the Terra dallo spazio, queste macchine saranno portate in superficie per respingerli.

Thoth dà una chiave per aprire il passaggio nascosto dalla Piramide alla Sfinge . La stessa chiave aprirà la porta della stanza che apre la via ad Amenti .

- A scolta la "Tavola V" di Thoth -

on youtube,

- in Audiobook -


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