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The Keyword of Wisdom

I, Thoth 's Atlantean, give you my wisdom, my knowledge and my power. Free gift to them sons of men. Li gift that they can have the wisdom to enlighten the world the veil of the night. Wisdom is power and power is wisdom, with each other, perfecting the whole.

not be proud, oh man, this wisdom. Chat with the ignorant as to the wise. If someone comes to you full of knowledge, listen and pay attention, because the wisdom is all.

not remain silent when evil is appointed, so that the Truth like Light of the Sun, shine on everything.

Who tramples Law will be punished, because only through the Law you get the freedom of men.

not cause fear, because fear is a bondage, a chain that binds man darkness.

Follow your heart during your life. Make the most of what you are commanded.

When you have achieved wealth listen to your heart, because this is useless if the heart is tired. Not decrease the time to follow it. This is abhorred by the soul.

Those who are not led astray, but those who si sono persi non potranno trovare un percorso corretto.

Se vai tra gli uomini, fai in modo che per te l’ Amore sia l’inizio ed il fine del cuore.

Se qualcuno viene da te per un consiglio, lascialo parlare liberamente, affinché lui possa fare la cosa per la quale è venuto da te. Se esita ad aprirti il suo cuore è perché tu, il giudice, hai sbagliato.

Non ripetere parole stravaganti e non ascoltarle, perché sono l’espressione di chi non è equilibrato. Non ripeterle, così che chi ti si trova davanti possa conoscere la saggezza.

The Silence is very useful. An abundance of words of no avail.

Exalt not thine heart above the children of men , lest it be brought lower than the dust.

If you are great among men, be honored for knowledge and kindness.

If you need to know the nature of a friend, do not ask for his company, but spend some time alone with him. Discuss trying out his heart through his words and his demeanor.

What goes in the pantry to be useful, and your stuff should be shared with a friend.

Knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance, and things are profitable for him painful. He lives in death. And there his food.

The wise man lets his heart overflow but keeps silent his mouth.

Oh man, listen to the voice of wisdom, hear the voice of Light . There are mysteries in the cosmos revealed that fill the world with their light . Let those who want to be free from the bondage of darkness separates the first material from the immaterial, the fire from the earth may know that as the land descends to earth, so the fire ascends and becomes a fire with fire.

who recognizes the fire that is in itself ascend to eternal fire and dwell in it forever.

The Fire, the inner fire is the most powerful of all forces, because it surpasses all things and penetrates all things of Earth .

man sustains himself only with what remains. So the Earth must resist that man can exist.

not all eyes see the same view, because an object appears in a form and color and a different eye in another. So also the infinite fire, changing color in color, is never the same from day to day.

So speak I, Thoth , my wisdom, because man is a fire burning bright through the night, never be extinguished in the veil darkness, never ceases in the veil of the night.

I searched with my wisdom in the hearts of men and found them to be free from the bondage of the fight. Free from the toils of their fire, oh my brother! For fear it wears out in the shadows of the night.

ye, O man, hear this wisdom: where name and form cease?

Only in consciousness, invisible, infinite force of radiance shines. The forms you create with the brightness of your vision are truly effects that follow thy cause.

Man is a star bound to a free body and eventually, through his effort. Only with effort and hard work to your ultimate star in you will blossom to life. For those who know the principle of all things, his star is free from the realms of the night.

Remember, oh man, everything that exists is just another form of what does not exist. Everything that has been before is going to be yet another and you yourself are not an exception.

Note the Law , because everything is Law . Do not attempt what the law is not, because there is only the illusion of the senses.

Wisdom is from all her children even if they are already moving towards wisdom.

At all times, the light has been hidden.

Wake up, O man, and be wise.

I traveled deeply into the mysteries of life, seeking and examining what is hidden.

Listen, O man, and be wise.

Deep sotto la crosta della Terra , nelle Sale di Amenti , i misteri che ho visto sono celati agli uomini.

Spesso ho viaggiato attraverso il profondo passaggio nascosto, guardando la Luce che è Vita fra gli uomini. Là, sotto il Fiore della Vita sempre vivente, ho cercato nei cuori e nei segreti degli uomini. Ho scoperto che l’uomo sta crescendo ma vive nell’oscurità, la Luce del grande fuoco è nascosta nell’intimo.

Davanti Lords to of hidden Amenti I learned the wisdom revealed to mankind. They are of the great masters Secret Wisdom, brought by the end of the infinite future.

Seven, the Lords of Amenti, the supreme Sons of Morning, Suns of the Cycles , Masters of Wisdom. They are not made as the children of men .

Three, Four , Five and Six , Seven, Eight , Nine are the titles Masters of men.

Far from the future, formless yet formed, they came as teachers for the children of men . They live forever, but not the living, not related to the life and in each case free from death. Will rule forever with infinite wisdom, bound, and yet not bound, to the dark Halls of the Dead. They have life in himself, but life is not life. The Lords of All are free from everything.

From them derive Logos , their instruments of power at all. Great is their support, yet hidden in smallness, formed by a form, known yet unknown.

The Three has the key of all hidden magic, and is the creator of Halls of the Dead. Emanates power, velandolo with darkness, and binds the souls of the sons of men , directs the darkness, chained the strength of the soul: an administrator on the negative sons of men.

The Four who is free power. Lord of Life for sons of men. Its body is light , the flame is its support, liberator of souls for children of men .

Il Cinque è il maestro, il Signore di tutta la magia - Chiave del Verbo che risuona tra gli uomini.

Il Sei è il Signore della Luce , il sentiero nascosto, cammino delle anime per i figli degli uomini .

Il Sette è il Signore dell’immensità , Master of Space and Time key.

L ' Otto who is ordering progress: weigh and balance the journey of men .

The Nine is the father . Large is his support. Form and change from outside the formless.

Meditate on the symbols that you do. Keys are , though hidden from men.

tends upwards, oh soul of the morning. Turn thy thoughts upward to the light and Life . Find in the keys of the numbers I gave you, the Light on the path of life towards life.

Search wisdom. Turn to your inner thoughts. Do not close your mind to Flower of Light.

Ask your body image thought-form. Think of the numbers that lead you to Life .

is clear the path for those who have wisdom. Open the door to Realm of Light .

Pour the flame in front of you, like a morning sun . Close out of the darkness and live in the day.

Oh man, hold them as part of your being, the Seven but which are not as they seem. Open up, oh man! I expressed my wisdom. Follow the path as I have presented.

Masters of Wisdom , Suns of the Morning , Light and Life for the children of men .

Interpretation Doreal

to Table III

The Keyword Wisdom , contains data from some of the precepts Thoth the barbarians, the Sons of Khem, which was entrusted to them not to go lost the keys Light .

The wisdom and power walking side by side. Both needed, one without the other is pointless and illusory, because power is created without the wisdom, and wisdom is not achieved only by enhancing use of power.

The person is not wise but foolish pride, because pride makes you waste education, because it leads to measure everything with their own level and grade.

Silence is golden. Speaking of the bad channels the creative energy and gives life and reality.

Groped to rebel against Law produces its punishment, because there is nothing without Law . And those who try to operate against the law the clashes.

Fear must not get into it, nor must we create fear in others, it is slavery. If you have kindness in our hearts, then who loves harmony is attracted to us. If not, then the other is governed by the disorder. We try to follow only the orders of the master who is in us. Do not try to do more objectively. Wealth is the means to an end, not the end. When material needs are satisfied, the mind (the heart of the old) must contact to higher realms.

When you are on the path you need a guide. Otherwise, it gets lost trying to find the easy way out.

Love is the beginning and the end of the road, because the union response is love: this recommended Thoth to the people, passing on the teachings of brotherhood and unity.

La persona preoccupata che chiede un consiglio trova conforto esprimendosi. Se esita, è perché chi lo ascolta ha qualche difetto ed è scostante.

Quest’affermazione ha un gran valore. Il discorso stravagante dimostra sempre una mancanza d’equilibrio, ed è dannoso sia parlare in tale modo che ascoltare, perché molte persone possono facilmente sbilanciarsi. L’unica meta è la perfezione. Non dovete essere soddisfatti di qualsiasi cosa sia meno. È solo la mancanza di conoscenza che impedisce di penetrare il velo dietro il quale si cela la saggezza.

Il silenzio è la gran chiave per l’evoluzione. Mantieni the power in yourself in silence. Not exaggerated, because other potentially have your own power. True greatness does not require self appreciation. Let others recognize your greatness out of your availability to his teammates.

Every person is a reflection of its kind in those faces. So do not listen to what anyone says about others, but considering his mind and his attitude toward another companion you can find his true nature.

If you have, not to deny knowledge to those who need it and asks eagerly. They're friends of all those who follow the same path. Do not let the words of an ignorant fool touch you, only the ignorant are affected by the ignorant. The vibrations of the mind of a person was visible. Words are not necessary.

Thoth gives a lesson for those who are ready with the keys and symbols. The immaterial part of human nature, the soul must be separated from material nature, the flesh, before bringing in Light of Cosmic Sun .

The soul is the fire, while the meat is similar to the earth, both returning to its source. Penetrates the inner fire all plans in which it occurs the Great Fire , including the material plane. The land, being thick, can be reduced also sustains the soul fire. Moreover, the soul being infinite, could change the land ended up in endless. The evolution of consciousness that allows the eye to see color and light . The fire infinite, growing and ever changing, is also evolving perceptions.

Man is a fire that transforms, it is never the same. Always progresses, day by day, until it rises above the darkness, that does not change while still dark. Tuttavia, l’oscurità si combinerà tanto con il fuoco da cessare di essere.

Lotta, odio e paura sono il risultato dell’oscurità. La libertà dall’oscurità li elimina. Il nome e la forma, diversamente dal distacco personale, cessano di esistere nella piena Luce della coscienza risvegliata.

L’uomo apprende solo con fatica ed esperienza, perché queste sono le cause purificanti che eliminano le scorie dell’oscurità dall’anima.

La materialità non è altro che una forma inconscia di manifestazione of consciousness. So ultimately, are a tangible and intangible. Nothing that is material is fixed, moves constantly change. This is the path from creation onward. He joins the conscience of this Act of nature.

The Law , ultimately, is all that exists. Everything else is fantasy and illusion that are formed in the minds of those who have knowledge.

Wisdom is obtained by just looking. You have to take the first step and then go on improving.

The Sale della Morte , sotto le Sale del Fiore della Vita , racchiudono il riflesso delle anime degli uomini. Fu là che Thoth riuscì a leggere la storia del progresso dell’uomo dall’oscurità alla Luce . Un paradosso simile è contenuto nelle parole portato dal futuro dell’infinita fine . La Fiaccola Latrice dell’ Insostenibile Luminosità è l’inizio e la fine di tutte le cose. Perché come originano le cose da questa, alla fine devono return, thus completing the circle. In Latrice Torch is designed fulfillment. So the plan is known direct adoption, the Lords . The Seven are the name of the Lords of the Cycles beyond us, each defined by the number of its cycle , in relation to I. Yoδ .

Coming cycles beyond this, are part of the absolute essence of each of these cosmic consciousness. Are not linked either to life or death because Their activity is controlled directly by Yarkima . So their life is not life of emanations from a cosmic cycle, since it does not depend on the spirit for your event.

The Logos , term or right, is an emanation of Lords each cycle ( always remember that there is a Lord of this cycle even if not included Seven in ) because, literally, is an emanation of our reason from I. Yoδ . How this comes from Yarkima , So they are the central cell from which it flows.

are great because they extend the support in all the cosmic space, yet are small because it concentrates in the form. The Three , the Lord cycle just beyond us, is the guardian of those things that directly affect humanity. It is responsible for the access of the negative, and it is through his power that reflected the souls of men were focused in Sale of the Dead.

The flow and direction of the force we know as the life force is controlled by the Lord of Four . Some of the major forces such as death, are attracted by Four , a cycle where life ceases to exist, as we know it. Each Lord has its function, providing access to outer space powers that have developed their own progress through space. This follows and is transmitted by the Lords , anyone who gives what he has to those below. The Five is the guardian of the Word , opening the last door when the man is ready. The Six, the Seven el ' Otto have over some of the essential fixed structures of the future tense, while the Nine is in charge of the mess that later becomes Order . In a sense, are the agents of the Cosmic Consciousness that perform the necessary aspects to the development of an awareness that Cosmic Consciousness is not as capable of using.

In these numbers there is also the key Word even if it can be revealed: its acquisition is truly achieve Life and Light .

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