Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Does A Cervix Feel Like Before Menstruation

Europe and the integration of Turkey: End of the dream?

Ahead of the 39th Congress of the Transnational Radical Party , held in Chianciano February 17 to 20, Radical Radio aired a Special Passage Southeast dedicated to the state of relations between Brussels and Ankara and to the issues open in the process of European integration of Turkey through some recent sound recordings taken from the Radical Radio.
precisely what is happening in the Arab world in recent weeks shows how it would be important for the EU to integrate Turkey. But Europe seems incapable of realizing it, while the government turkish cradle the illusion of being able to do it alone and win a role as a driving power World Middle East. So what
hundred years ago was the "sick man of Europe" that Europe itself now sees as a problem. And the dream of a modern Turkey, democratic and liberal member of the EU, is likely to break, as he wrote recently, the Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk, both because of the same Europe that the anti-Western and nationalist forces Turkish. The

Special, which aired on February 16 to 23 and listen directly here

or web Radical Radio section of Categories . 

NB: dal 18 gennaio gli Speciali di Passaggio a Sud Est non vanno più in onda a Radio Radicale il mercoledì alle 23,30, ma di volta in volta per argomenti o eventi particolari


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