you want to report Marta Blog on Ottaviani Portal de La Stampa : si chiama "Mille e una Turchia" , come la sua seconda fatica editoriale, uscita lo scorso anno. Chi la conosce per i suoi articoli su La Stampa e L'Avvenire, per i suoi libri e magari anche per averla sentita qualche volta a Radio Radicale (intervistata dal sottoscritto), sa che Marta vive in Turchia da oltre 5 anni, ha imparato la lingua ma soprattutto a capire la complessa realtà di un Paese che molto spesso guardiamo attraverso le lenti deformanti dello stereotipo o, peggio, del pregiudizio.
Infatti, come scrive herself in the presentation of his blog, many consider him but few know why the image of Turkey is still filtered by clichés, some of whom have some reason to exist, but others are completely out of date. Instead says Martha, Turkey is a country full of contradictions difficult to understand and explain that you know little or nothing, especially considering its strategic importance and that ties prefenziali with Italy, while gaining ground for years on the international economic and political scene.
short, if you're interested in Turkey and if you care to read what he thinks and writes one who knows, put il blog di Marta Ottaviani tra i "preferiti" del vostro browser.
Infatti, come scrive herself in the presentation of his blog, many consider him but few know why the image of Turkey is still filtered by clichés, some of whom have some reason to exist, but others are completely out of date. Instead says Martha, Turkey is a country full of contradictions difficult to understand and explain that you know little or nothing, especially considering its strategic importance and that ties prefenziali with Italy, while gaining ground for years on the international economic and political scene.
short, if you're interested in Turkey and if you care to read what he thinks and writes one who knows, put il blog di Marta Ottaviani tra i "preferiti" del vostro browser.
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