Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Replacement Parts For Chicco Walker

Diorshow Black Out Waterproof Mascara

Mesdemoiselle Bonjour, I waited a long time to do this review and I finally had a free moment to put me here to write.
Wandering from Sephora I dwelled a little booth of Monsieur Dior who had just been stocked with products.
My attention was drawn to this mascara which were lauded in various corners of the net, but I had never even seen.

Dopo parecchi rimuginamenti e esami di coscienza (non è un grillo parlante, ma un riccio nel mio caso) mi sono autoconvinta e l'ho preso.
Il costo, lo dico fin da subito, è parecchio alto, circa 25€.
Sulla confezione viene presentato come: "Spectacular volume intense black-kohl mascara".

Mascara Dior
Il packaging è elegante e abbastanza ricercato; si presenta come un cilindro nero con il brand Dior stampato satinato e le scritte argentate 'Diorshow Black Out' in waterproof version.

Diorshow Black Out Waterproof
The number is 099, Kohl Black.
Inside the box contains 11ml of product, and shows also the expiration date, in this case of 6m.
passed on the brush, the shape is elongated and compact, the bristles appear to be specially made to separate the lashes.
to underline a positive feature of this brush: collect the right amount of product and fails to evenly distribute it at the time application.
Mascara open

Detail brush
After you've tried, tried again and used without pity I can say I really found the one for me.
E 'exactly what you expect from a mascara and I must say that, thanks to its waterproof formula, stays there, even in times where some tear escapes.
The color is full and intense, slightly tending to polished effect for a 'look-da-cat'.
passed with full marks and highly recommended.
And you? Have you had occasion to try it? How did you find?
Bisou Bisou


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