Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Half Sew In Weave With Bangs


Di Marina Szikora [*]
Si e' svolta a New York, mercoledi' 9 febbraio, su organizzazione della fondazione dell'ex presidente Bill Clinton "Clinton Global Initiative," a conference under the title "America at the crossroads: the Dayton Agreement and the beginning of the 21st century diplomacy." The conference 'was organized as two panels. The first saw the pertecipazione former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former NATO Supreme Commander for Europe Wesley Clark and former U.S. ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbraiht. In this part of the conference was 'talked about the historical conditions in which' was created by the Dayton Agreement that ended the bloody war in BiH. On the second panel was attended by Croatian President Ivo Josipovic, a member of the tripartite Presidency of BiH, the Bosniak Bakir Izetbegovic, son of the late President Alija Izetbegovic, one of three signatories to the Agreement, the EU High Representative for Common Foreign Catherine Ashton and Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg. This part of the conference addressed the issue of the future of the region and the role of the EU and the United States. The panel and 'was moderated by Chrisitane Amanpour that during the war in former Yugoslavia was a correspondent for CNN.

Josipović Croatian President, for his part, stressed the importance of political reconciliation as the basis for establishing trust, collaboration, partnership and mutual solidarity 'between the countries of the region. This is' particularly important in EU integration process, but also as a precondition for economic cooperation should be qualitative, especially in infrastructure development, consideration of common interests, said Josipović. He added that with the entry of Croatia into the EU, which will hopefully be in January of 2013, should not stop EU enlargement to South Eastern Europe since 'is particularly important to give a clear prospect of integration all countries in the region. The other party, the Bosniak member of BiH Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic said that in his country over the last fifteen years 'progress was achieved because' the BiH completely divided, after the Agreement di Dayton, con il tempo si e' trasformata comunque in una struttura funzionante che ha acconsentito anche lo sviluppo economico fino a tal punto che lo stipendio medio in BiH e' maggiore rispetto ad uno stipendio medio dei paesi piu' orientali. Si e' parlato in particolare dell'efficace cooperazione tra giustiza e politiza nella regione che l'alto rappresentante Catherine Ashton ha valutato come un modello eccellente di collaborazione regionale.

Dayton e' stato vautato come un accordo che all'epoca era l'unico possibile e che aveva soddisfatto la sua funzione piu' importante di porre fine alla guerra. Ma Dayton fu concepito a fin di proteggere gli interessi particolari dei tre popoli e serviva maggiormente alle loro paure che alla cooperazione. Adesso and 'The time has come to change, ie the constituent peoples and citizens of BiH, according to a mutual agreement, they should change it to a functional form that will be able to' meet the challenges of integration, and adaptation to EU standards economic development. The deputy U.S. secretary of state Steinberg said that BiH has friends who want to help her and this and that 'the time when political leaders in BiH must arrive by themselves, through dialogue, compromise that will satisfy' all. Catherine Ashton has sottlineato that the position of all the countries of South East Europe 'in Europe, and' a very clear policy that no alternative. In his closing speech, Bill Clinton noted that the conflicts in former Yugoslavia and the Dayton agreement is the first success of the new global diplomacy since the end of the Cold War, the diplomacy that has confirmed that 'can create the situation where you can' win and nobody loses. The conference was clearly mentioned that the Dayton Agreement fifteen years ago has returned to peace in BiH, but did not ensure the possibility 'of equal development of all three constituent peoples even as economic development.

Reiterating one of the priorities 'of his presidency, the return of peace and stability' in the region, Ivo Josipovic said that everyone wants a common future in the EU and the region needs a leadership that is capable of guiding this way. Josipović said that works on the return of confidence but for Croatia and 'important the return of Croats in the Republic of Srpska, the entity' to the BiH Serb majority. It 'important to preserve the identity' of all three peoples and strengthen economic relations. He invited American investors to invest in Croatia but also throughout the region. It must be said that the conference not attended by Serbian President Boris Tadic with the explanation that has recently suffered a leg administrative attention. But there was not even the leader of the RS, Milorad Dodik as he always says that for health reasons and not 'even come to the Croatian representative of the BiH Presidency, Zeljko Komsic. The margins of the conference, the head of stato croato, Ivo Josipović ha incontrato Ashton e Steinberg. In questi colloqui, la Croazia ha ricevuto pieno sostegno per una veloce conclusione dei negoziati e per l'ingresso nell'Ue.

C'e' da sottlineare che la Conferenza della fondazione Clinton su Dayton e' un contributo importante agli sforzi dell'amministrazione americana che tenta di accelerare la soluzione della situazione politica cosi' fragile in BiH e stabilire pace in Europa sudorientale. Secondo gli osservatori, per l'allora presidente americano Bill Clinton e per la sua amministrazione, Dayton fu uno dei maggiori successi della politica estera statunitense. Alla conferenza si e' voluto anche puntare sul fatto che senza simili iniziative non ci saranno soluzioni efficaci per i problemi dell'Afghanistan, Iraq e per l'intero Medio Oriente. Il messaggio di Clinton e' anchge che ai paesi con problemi come quelli che c'erano nei Balcani, non si puo' aiutare soltanto militarmente e politicamente ma e' indispensabile rafforzarli economicamente e appoggiare lo sviluppo della societa' civile e della democrazia. Sul palco Kimmel dell'Universita' di NY, Bill Clinton ha ricordato che prima di mandare le truppe americane in BiH nel 1995, perfino il 70 percento degli americani furono contrari all'invio delle truppe americane in BiH e perfino 58 percento ne fu contrario anche quando fu firmato l'acccordo di Dayton. Fu contrastato soprattutto dai repubblicani, ha detto Clinton.

E sulla sempre piu' chiassosa disputa relativa ad una terza entita' in BiH, Thomas Countryman, vice del sottosegretario di stato americano incaricato per l'Europa sudorientale, ha ribadito la posizione americana dicendo che "gli Stati Uniti e la comunita' internazionale appoggeranno ogni tipo di compromesso all'interno della BiH che contribuira' a rendere efficace l'attuale assetto costituzionale, ma ritiene che la terza entita' non e' una buona soluzione". Siccome queste parole sono state pronunciate a Bruxelles, secondo il commento di Zija Dizdarević del quotidiano di Sarajevo "Oslobođenje", una tale posizione suggerisce che questo tipo di approcio e' sostenuto anche dai vertici dell'Unione europea. Il messaggio e' indirizzato principalmente al leader dell'HDZ BiH, Dragan Čović and his supporters in Zagreb as well as 'his partner, leader of the SNSD and president of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik that in the division of the Federation BiH into two entities', one Bosniak and one Croat sees an opportunity to realize its goals of separation said Zia, adding that the wording Dizdarević American sounds pleasant to the ears of Dodik and his patrons in Belgrade. The U.S. official believes that the third entity 'is not a solution, "since' BiH does not need a government even more 'complicated with additional opportunity' to obstruct the operation, but it needs a government more 'effective with higher capacity 'to make decisions. " According to the

commentatore di 'Oslobođenje' gli americani non dicono che cosa bisogna fare affinche' il potere della BiH sia piu' efficace e non puntano il dito sulla politica distruttiva di Banja Luka appoggiata da Belgrado. Quindi, afferma Dizdarević, continuano ad essere sullo stesso livello quelli che sono a favore della BiH e quelli che ci lavorano a distruggerla. Si continua a sfuggire dalla necessita' di eliminare i diffetti prinicpali della Costituzione di Dayton – la dipendenza paralizzante dello Stato dalle entita'. Il giornalista si chiede se con un tale aproccio, Washington manda il messaggio che dice come sia piu' importante il concetto di Dayton che favoreggia piuttosto la RS che la democratizzazione euroatlantica della BiH? E conclude che la BiH ha need a power that can lead us quickly towards the EU and NATO. This is the absolute priority 'in which the constitutional reforms are not the goal, but rather' the means to achieve the Euro-Atlantic. According Dizdarević touches in Brussels and Washington to finally say, What is' the constitutional minimum for the Euro-Atlantic integrations. In his view, the minimum for the new power of BiH and the 'Agreement on inquestionabilita' State BiH and the EU membership and NATO nalla. The United States has taken the right to define the institutional framework. If you and 'so', then they can not avoid the responsibility 'on what happens inside and what eventually will happen,' concludes the BiH journalist in his commentary published in the newspaper 'Oslobodjenje'.

[*] Radical Radio correspondent. The text is taken from the correspondence in the episode aired on February 15, passing through Southeast


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