Saturday, March 20, 2010

Habit Of Confidentiality In Women

Policy Bidet

The other day I was around Potsdamer Platz to fuck merry shopping centers, with the prospect of never-ending quest for a new apartment that has the appearance of a repulsive or tavern that is located in the ass to the wolves, when, suddenly, I heard from Bergamo. Thrilled I looked around and, after checking to be unequivocally in a third country whose language is more like to the ancient Babylonian dialect as spoken in the west of Lake Iseo, I searched the source of what looked like a beautiful and good political discussion. There were five or six ugly mugs, the majority, who took it with a lone champion of small ideas, challenging the wrath of the people without being intimidated in any way by the disparity of forces. By dumb I got closer to hear what had been the subject dell'alterco. Fortunately, it is of porcine origin (Brescia, Bergamo and then for a = = suni Bres Brescia pigs) did not need a simultaneous translator and I was able to better understand the reason for so much barking. I had mai assistito ad una lite politica all’interno del centro destra, oggi chiamato PdL. A differenza della sinistra dove tutti discutono con tutti insultando tutti dicendo tutti esattamente le stesse cose, nell’ex centro destra italiano si dovrebbe essere in grado di capirsi, comprendersi e amoreggiare sulle candide note di “Faccetta Nera”. A quanto pare i sei brutti ceffi Longobardi importunavano un povero indifeso Forzista che, difendendosi a spada tratta, soleva ripetere ogni due per tre la parolina “Silvio”, come se Egli fosse il suo migliore amico o potesse in qualche modo indurre timore nei suoi interlocutori. Pur essendo dalla parte dei leghisti non ho potuto che provare compassione per quel povero Forzista tutto alone and helpless, in the end remained a sordid leftist who can not help but side with the losers, a little 'habit of Inter fans until a few years ago. The focus of the discussion was surprisingly something different from what one expects when he sees about four leaguers Bergamo. In general, the discussions are more lively and hard-fought year after a spirited game of Trump call when, in a blasphemy and Bianchini, there is space to discuss means of absolute axioms, including politics, race and more shots on immigrants. Yet, despite his compassion for the poor Forzista, having listened carefully to the meaning of the speech hidden in a caterba of "pruning" I found myself, again, on the side of leaguers. Incredibly same
themselves as such, not only argued that there was no design in the exclusion of subversive PDL lists the elections, but that was all the proof of the stupidity of the ruling class-in-chief of the People of Freedom. The little helpless forzista could show off his holy card of St. Silvio from Arcore to the bitter end, but faced with the evidence, sooner or later, would have had to give.

I do not know how it is going to end discussion, nor is it led to scuffle, having regard to the elements involved. I left dejected: here was hit bottom. The bottom of what? Of the barrel? The jar of Nutella? The bidet? Yes, the bidet, the one here in Germany so envy us, and we do not appreciate enough until we are irretrievably gone. Democracy, in Italy, I can only describe as' the policy of the Bidet. "
I can not help but think of our prime minister sitting on the bidet, asking his butler Ambrose (all named Ambrose) to bring the phone to call letters to organize a good Prime Minister and launch a couple of laws to -personam. Beautifully seated on the bidet ivory Palazzo Grazioli, the Roman residence of the Premier, it is really all: Carfagna ago with her tits out crazy that pygmy Brunetta, who took home the miniature potty, Letta smear ointment on hemorrhoids Bondi while Gasparri, having never seen a bidet, inquires about the operation to a very thrilled Calderoli. La Russa is scaccola cheerfully.
Silvio begins to talk to each other a fart: a pompous speech and respectful of its warmer tones, galvanizes the crowd and eventually ripping a roar of applause. The "legal impediment" is a done deal, half an hour break. The Mariastella Gelmini infoiati Schifani begins talking of his past as a stripper and porn actress hungrily eyeing that Carfagna suggestions Gasparri who proves incapable di saper leggere, avendo comprato l’esame di quinta elementare. Gli pare proprio impossibile che per aprire il rubinetto dell’acqua calda lo si debba girare invece che mordere. Bossi e Alfano, che di solito vanno d’amore e d’accordo, rimembrano, con le terga appisolate nell’acqua calda, i bei tempi degli altri meeting in Sardegna quando ci si spartivano gli appalti per il G8 poi spostato a L’Aquila e c’erano squillo di lusso da tutte le parti. “Pensa, ” dice Alfano “quella volta abbiamo fatto a tempo ad approvare anche lo Scudo Fiscale”.

Silvio rientra dalla toilette e riposa le sue chiappe presidenziali sul suo bidet d’oro Solid: the seat, in the true sense of the word can start again. And here it is off on a tangent in another accoratissimo speech in which he somehow found the place home, the family, and a pair of filthy communists innoquissimi beavers. All nod happily and the special guest of the evening, Formigoni, pulling out a hair shirt, offers ten minutes of corporal punishment, to ingratiate themselves to the Church. It is almost a fight to decide who needs to be done by whipping Carfagna, who on this occasion shows off his best full fetish. Unexpectedly La Russa destinations all agree on the name of Bondi and while Mara is being done with the whip on his body limp and repulsive, also passes the decree "Save Liste” per la gioia della Polverini, altra guest star della serata.
Il tutto, però, degenera quando si deve decidere chi debba frustare Gasparri: la zuffa è furibonda, sembra che nessuno voglia perdersi questa soddisfazione. Anche Fini, che se ne stava in disparte un po’ apatico, manganella sberloni a destra ed a manca, per la gioia di Brunetta che sulla rettitudine degli statali ha fondato la sua campagna elettorale. Non si capisce perché, ma anche Gasparri stesso è nella mischia, dando modo a tutti di dargli una bella ripassata. Bossi prepara la vasellina.
Ma il Premier ferma tutti sul più bello, non è il modo di comportarsi! Per quanto l’alterco possa essere acceso ed interessante, bisogna Italians set a good example now that the debates, talk shows and satire are being prohibited during the election campaign. The most disappointed of all seems to be the poor Gasparri already looking forward to another dose sound spanking.
But now there is no way to focus on working and Silvio refers all further notice while Bonaiuti Capezzone and discussion about what the right numbers to play the Lotto.
probably sitting on the bidet Arcore villa will be discussing the new building amnesty.

Silvio dear, my little love
we're stealing 40 hours.
You who did everything in a jiffy
eliminates the good old Article 18.
who are already without conscience,
lever back contingency. Since you are mercilessly

Rubach well as seniority.
And if you want to do serious things, let us
without leave.
To improve the situation,
take away half of the settlement.
If inflation is still rampant,
fregaci for the entire payroll.
And despite the unions, the unemployed still
But because everything is normal,
let us also pay the hospital.
There can only be a happy ending,
if we'll pay for medicines. To avoid further damage

send us retire at 90 years.


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