Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sample Catholic Confirmation Letter

Mein Beruf

"Was machst du von Beruf?" Is one of the first things I learned in Germany, along with "Wie geht's?" And "Deine Titten machen mich wahnsinnig."
Well, what am I doing working here in Germany? Well if you can explain it to my mother, you are very good, I do not have it done. Not because she does not know what a photon or what is an FPGA, a nurse mica studied by scientists, but I think even my father, who comes from a technical education, has some difficulty explaining to his friends because his son, the tender age of 25 years, has given up home, family, work, the row of women who waited at the door (although my house even had the door) to go in a foreign land to seek his fortune. Well since my company, or where I work. The company is not mine, of course, otherwise I would have to enjoy my decamila € per month with a beer and a thousand pounds in hand, certainly not to write on the blog.
Here I work here, pay no attention to the gray skies of Berlin, this is set as "default color".

I have my desk, my computer, a lot of paperwork, a lot 'of disorder and internet access in GA that I dreamed the night. We have the espresso machine subject to unlimited tax paid by the company, but the sugar you need to bring from home. Like, "why?" Here one thinks of health: caffeine, no diabetes. To be honest is a bit 'a euphemism for the word "espresso", but the pig makes the device work perfectly, because my Polish colleague was the cradle as her granddaughter. Fortunately, our coffee is not comparable to the liquid tar that you need the Polimi style vending machines.

The working day began punctually: between 8 am and 11.30 am more or less everyone in the office and more or less do their eight hours a day. For my arrival at 9:05 and I leave at 17:15, eight hours for work, 10 minutes lunch break. You work to live not the other way.
First thing to do, right after you turn on your computer, check the countless e-mails I receive e-mail on the job. A week or two, usually. Contrary to what he does any other Italian worker with an internet connection available, I ordered not to use Facebook at work is a matter of fairness, why do not you come and say that I love hanging around instead of doing my duty . But what exactly is my duty? Simply put my professional role is that of a developer firmware (VHDL based) on FPGA platforms della famiglia Xilinx per applicazioni di management ed elaborazione di campioni provenienti da sistemi di misure fotoniche... Capito un cazzo, eh? Vediamo se ce la faccio a farvi un esempio. Un mesetto fa il capo mi dice che quello che prima si faceva fare al software, mo me lo devo smazzare io in hardware. Proviamoci, dico io. Dopo una settimana di schizzi, scarabocchi, bestemmie (in italiano), ore ed ore a pensare, ad interpretare ed evidenziare, ho partorito questo:


Come potete leggere chiaramente, il tutto funzionava benissimo. Peccato non facesse il lavoro per il quale era stato progettato. Allora ho tirato fuori questo dopo circa un’altra settimana e mezza:


Ovviamente, dopo avere eseguito una bel po’ di test, sulla carta il tutto funziona da Dio, come il seguente grafico può dimostrare:


Peccato che, ad oggi, dopo un mese di lavoro, una volta provato sull’apparato, non funzioni una cippa e mandi in crash il computer sul quale lo sto testando. Il capo oggi, molto amichevolmente, mi ha dato due settimane per sistemarlo. Ma settimana prossima è l’ultima prima del mio rientro in Italia per le feste, quindi speriamo di cavare qualche ragno dal buco. Ad ogni modo, questa è la dimostrazione che i hard years of study at the university are served something that I learned that a good engineer is aware of its potential and knows his chances. You saw how I was good inside when those spaces? But they are not completely satisfied of matching color, I missed the blue and I had to use the pen. For Christmas I'll give a box of crayons.

Hard work, in Germany, also brings sweet rewards. Like this one:

Or a chocolate Lindth St. Nicholas with a lot of "Frohes Fest!" Written on it.
For those who were wondering if: you, our secretary spoil us ...

Then, every time the boss comes out with the bears ...

... or with the thirteenth and fourteenth year as ... I prefer the bears to two months per year, eh, but it makes no sense to argue. : D

In recent months, moreover, I also had to deal with the Penguins. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I am not referring to those not in clerical garb and even the poor prisoners of the zoo in Berlin. One fine day a package arrives for my Russian colleague with a nice label like this:

Since the size of the box, boh, a 10x10x10cm cube, l’idea che possa contenere dei pinguini era alquanto improbabile.
Beh, che stupido,certo è pure scritto sull’etichetta che non ci sono pinguini all’interno. Però magari è un divieto: divieto ai pinguini di portare il frack, c’è anche il papillon! No, non credo.
Vietato appoggiare pinguini sulla scatola! Geniale, magari ci appoggio un cane, un gatto, un tenero koala, ma non un cazzo di pinguino!
No way.
Ci sono! La scatola contiene pericolosi oggetti satanici, non adatta a suore sotto la maggiore età (65 anni).
No non ci siamo: non dare la scatola ai pinguini, potrebbero conquistare il mondo o, chessò, la libertà. Beh potrebbe andare se the penguins look like these here on the side. I finally had to ask someone more experienced than me (Google) to find out that the signal in question indicates that you should not freeze the packaging. I would expect quite a snowflake crossed, a refrigerator closed with a padlock, a lemon ice on a red background, but not a penguin in frack.

Some might now ask: but after all these fucking six months you can know what did you do at work? Or should we believe you drank coffee, defeated the Penguins, eating biscuits, chocolate and murdered the entire world population of gummy bears and drawn with crayons writing (with an illegible writing) words in English macaroni on a sheet of paper which would certainly have liked to stay a tree while they are not forced to use so infamous?

So does that mean I failed, I'm a bad writer, I could not explain, I failed to convey clearly the result of my so hard and arduous work.
I could ask the boss for a further confirmation, to understand how to be more clear, but may confuse you even more since last week I changed the neon lights in all offices, because I was the only high enough.

Post Scriptum: For those who want to learn more about the gummy bears council this post.

... Semm and I left, touch
cum de de védar büceer a touch, a life
Noeva ended quand el maar
while you qéla vœgia the pica scpáll the ...


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