Saturday, October 10, 2009

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Just my two pennies worth. German Lessons

And here I am to repeat my note-depth on Italian politics. Nobody cares? Yeah, that's why, as the title, my opinion is only a couple of pennies ("My two cents" in the U.S. or a "dime" in Italy).
On October 7, 2009 the judges of the Consultations were expressed on the constitutionality of the so-called "Lodo Alfano", creating havoc with their decision, thrill, fear and horror.

For those who had not understood, or perhaps intentionally had not yet explained it to him, the said Ruling imposed by an ordinary law, not constitutional, a provision that would effectively amended Article 68 of our Constitution. The offending article is that concerning parliamentary immunity. Article 68 is in force in force since November 14, 1993, having been amended by the Constitutional Law 3 of 29 October 1993. Before the constitutional amendment, subject to a criminal prosecution was necessary parliamentary approval to proceed with the Chamber. If the Chamber denied the authorization, the lawmaker was not processed until the end of the engagement. After the dust Tangentopolesco (or do much Duckburg Topolinia this term, right? But makes the idea of \u200b\u200bhow it ended up all over the year) during the first 90 Article 68 was amended as follows, requiring that "without authorization of the respective House, any member of Parliament shall be subject to personal or home search, nor can they be arrested or otherwise deprived of liberty or kept in detention, except in the execution of a final conviction , or if caught in the act of committing a crime for which the arrest is expected required in the act. " "Similar authorization is required before members of Parliament to wiretapping, in any form of conversations or communications, and seizure of correspondence." All clear?

Mr. Alfano and his merry band of scamps parliamentary majority has seen fit to reintroduce parliamentary immunity for the four highest offices of state: Prime Minister (Silvio), Head of State (Napolitano), Chairman the Chamber of Deputies (Fini) and the Senate (Schifani). Strange coincidence, the only one with pending criminal trials is the majority leader Silvio Berlusconi. For
banks of the defense before the Constitutional Court, the supreme self-governing body of the Italian judiciary, lawyers - and MPs - Niccolo Ghedini and Gaetano Pecorella, together with Piero Longo, marked the center of the defensive strategy of Lodo Alfano: "The law is the same for everyone, but it is not necessarily its implementation, as indeed the Court has reiterated, "is the motivation with which the lawyer Ghedini opened his harangue. The attorney cited as "the rules on ministerial offenses, where the law distinguishes the ordinary common citizen by the minister." "You can not play the dual role of Head of State and defendant to fully exercise their right defense and without the sacrifice of one of the two. "

Then he says that being tightened sanctions in case a minister commits a crime directly related to his office, there is a difference in law enforcement. So for a Premier who has committed a crime, should face trial, the disparity in the law makes the process itself incompatible with the office of President of the Council, and is therefore the process must be removed, not to the President must resign.
For those who have read Orwell, this is a pure application of doublethink, there is no question of a possible understatement in which to express and reinforce a concept denies its opposite, but a shrewd abilità di distorcere la realtà secondo il proprio volere, solo mediante l’utilizzo del verbo.
Insiste Pecorella:
"Con le modifiche apportate alla legge elettorale (voluta da questa maggioranza, n.d.r.) non può essere considerato uguale agli altri parlamentari (il Premier, n.d.r.). Non è un primus inter pares, ma un primus super pares".
Per citare nuovamente Orwell, come ha fatto il britannico “Times” su questa vicenda, questa sembra una frase scippata a “La fattoria degli animali”, libro che non è null’altro se non una spietata metafora del totalitarismo, in cui in una società che predica la totale eguaglianza tra gli animali, si afferma che qualcuno di loro is actually "more equal" to everyone else.

I heard a comment in direct heat of a Parliamentary Assembly of the PDL, with drawn sword defending Berlusconi, created a curious parallel between what they did by introducing the founding fathers in the Constitution Article 68 and the decision to cancel the Lodo Alfano. When asked "We think that the founding fathers were in the wrong?" The parliamentary left in an "unspoken" a kind of synecdoche in which the assumption that the former Article 68 was erroneous, therefore it is also the whole constitution. Although his accent Sardinian memories, unfortunately I do not remember the name of that honorable. Sin has demonstrated his ignorance. In 1946 the times were different, and it is historical revisionism. After the fascist totalitarianism, the new Republic was in need of stability, since its catholic leadership. At that time the immunity was necessary, unfortunately it took fifty years and tangentopoli to allow its review. And fortunately. Why the late 40's none of the founding fathers had the foresight true, without going through a fictional non-believer, if only to understand that the media, with the approach of the 2000s to become the new opiate of the masses. According to Montesquieu (about 1750) in a normal rule of law, the supreme power is divided in three aspects: the executive power in the hands of the government, the legislative power in the hands of Parliament, the judiciary, which lies in the hands of the Judiciary. As you may know not everyone in the eighteenth century there was no other means of information that the print media, too bad it was only a lucky few know how to decipher. With the advent of literacy, the powers, three are now four. The fourth power is the media. That's right, it is because of the media that the information be amended for use and consumption of power, not necessarily one of the other three. That is why the so-called fourth estate can be stronger than all the others under certain circumstances. Council's vision for beginners the film "Citizen Kane" (original title Citizen Kane of 1941) in which a not exactly unknown Orson Welles shows us the disturbing story as a newspaper magnate attempt, just using his media power, to get elected as governor in the U.S. and as a result of the fourth estate still not get done (ok, I apologize for the small spoiler). As he wrote Ezio Mauro, editor of "La Repubblica":

"In a formula - aberrant, and greeted with applause only in Italy - one might say that the Chief Executive said in this case used the law to escape the judiciary, producing with his own hands and those most prone to a safe conduct tailored to his person in order to maintain power without having to reckon with the law. "
there I just add that our chief minister keeps his hands in two out of four, but three out of five powers: executive, the legislative majority and the media. The judiciary seems firmly in the hands of the left (it seems to admit that may not be impartial, right?), But the fifth power?
there, and how, at least two thousand years. In the past it was the pope to crown the emperors, religion is nothing but a sort of media power is exercised by means of superstition, professed in bleak places capable of accommodating hundreds of people at a time. Well, thanks to scandals Summer in the Church have turned, reluctantly, touch and vision, his shoulders.
would wonder why. Why is so determined to stick to power in the blood, teeth and even toenails. It's simple, says the highly- Giuseppe D'Avanzo back to "The Republic":
"policy, to Silvio Berlusconi, is nothing but the most effective way to enhance and protect its business. This has been so ever since, out of graduate course in law, you give the business. Stronger political ties with local and regional - and some "check in the mouth" - become a real estate developer. The policy allows him to christen, outside the law, the first national television network. Collusion with the policy - the corruption of a head of government and parliamentary control of eighty - enables you to get, by the Chairman of corrupt, two emergency ordinances and by Parliament, a law that requires the RAI- Fininvest. Not really a Prometheus economy in 1994 is broken and bankrupt (the debt burdens of Fininvest - 4000 billion lire - exceed operating income for the group).
He lost but overwhelmed by the pimps and brothels tangentocratico invented "policy entrepreneur" by converting the company into a party. It 's still the policy that allows him to tamper with seventeen Read "ad personam", codes and procedures to avoid criminal convictions for a varied number of crimes (accounting fraud, tax fraud, embezzlement, corruption) to total impunity "Alfano law" which provides him with a parliament became his shop .
Yeah, right, missing the part of the hero Vittorio Mangano, but if we as the sixth power of the Mafia, Italy becomes worse than a joke. We're all like now: let's pretend that the Mafia does not exist.
But Berlusconi is a victim? Sure, it's just a victim of himself, everyone, sooner or later, what he deserves. He is just a victim of his past actions: the troubled sale of television rights, Mondadori judicial corruption in the award to snatch a Carlo De Benedetti (now owner of the group-L'Espresso Republic), the largest Italian publishing house. In short, a showdown between sworn enemies. To return to the fourth power, unfortunately (Silvio), or fortunately ("La Repubblica"), seems not yet entirely in the hands of the Premier. The time therefore seems ripe, the media campaign of print urges him still in his hands, the Church runs like hell raising his cassock and bruised legs skinny without showing the slightest sign of underwear, the international press the wand, the escort if they do not spin anymore. And the opposition is doing? The

IdV attacca il Capo dello Stato, talmente impegnati nel loro giustizialismo da dimenticare che in Italia non esiste il diritto di veto. Che vergogna. Napolitano, insieme a Fini, sono le uniche persone ad essere venute fuori senza il minimo ammacco da questo pandemonio, il primo firmando il Lodo Alfano, il secondo bacchettando da vero super partes la coalizione dalla quale proviene.

Il Partito Democratico? Se anche ha una parte in questo caos (i famosi “scossoni al Governo” teorizzati da D’Alema a pochi giorni dagli scandali delle escort, mi spiace per tutti ma non potevano essere un caso) il PD ha semplicemente dimostrato la sua deficienza politica, mettendo in ginocchio Berlusconi e la politica che egli rappresenta nel momento sbagliato, using (eventually) means that dirt had not had the courage to use the time of the Bicameral, at the time of Prime Minister D'Alema, in the days when we were discussing a conflict of interest. Of course, the timing was not appropriate: how can we expect to gain power and destroy an opponent without having neither a leader nor a common political line? Idiots ...

is that the spectrum of the fifth power goes back on, like a cancer in the ranks of the Democratic Party, the cursed Teodem do rehearsals with a new Christian Democrat UDC and again relegate the temporal power in the hands of God whose utility is questionable for the consumption of the caste of the Church. The left

radicale, orfana delle polo Lacoste del vecchio Bertinotti, si è ormai guadagnata l’attributo di extraparlamentare. Qualcuno le dica che i tempi di Berlinguer sono finiti.

E nella maggioranza?

Il PdL ovviamente si schiera, chi con Fini, chi con Silvio.

Le parole di Bossi non meritano, invece, il minimo commento.

In tutto questo calderone si inserisce anche la legge per il rientro dei capitali dall’estero. Nient’altro che un regalo a mafiosi, corrotti e farabutti pur di tentare di raschiare il fondo di un barile il cui fondo non esiste più, da quanto è stato raschiato a fondo.

Infine, per quanto riguarda la politica internazionale, trovo alquanto Crazy investiture, so to speak, a "champion of peace," Barak Obama. The most powerful man on earth at least had the good grace to blush and say that "not sure he deserves" the Nobel assigned. There are only two: either the gentlemen of the Academy of Sweden had a desperate need for publicity, to be still going strong even with the wind to mess up the Canute painters, or the last year no one really wanted peace more than Chief of the country that continues to kill people in Afghanistan and Iraq and allowing the inside to keep the death penalty. In this case, the world is exactly the same spasm. But maybe it's just an award that includes an omen for the future, where we can only hope.

said that, I retire to deliberate with my friends leftist judges of the Consulta. At least nine out of fifteen. Along with 72% of the Italian press to five national TV channels in six of all arrayed against the Premier, together with Fini that is too filthy still in its institutional role in the past for being leader of the Fiamma Tricolore and finally the Head of State, a former communist came to power gnawed babies and drinking blood from skulls virgin Masons fallen. In short all the ingredients for a great PARTY!

Pay attention to me: the next election board voted no.


Ignorance is strength."

George Orwell, "1984." Date of first publication 1949.


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