Monday, July 12, 2010

Themed Engagement Party


Although the heat in Berlin is rare these days as a sixteen year old virgin, we now understand that the climate has gone crazy and sixteen as well. The German situation these days is getting explosive, the entire country is gripped by waves of heat. I understand the extreme regret of the Diocesan, but I am not referring to the current state of under sixteen. Here
thermometers only go to 30-32 degrees, anyone can afford the luxury of an electronic device that marks the 33 degrees. In fact, the most popular website weather here in German, at 12.00 is already off the scale.

At 14.00 it reaches 37 degrees, switching from red to black, there is no hope, we are doomed.

The lakes are besieged, swimming pools overflowing with people and even a nudist beach, which abound here, quit in protest when they see someone around in a bathing suit. In every park there is someone who is roasting in the sun or roast beef at any hour of any day of the week.

It also appeared the cicadas, though declared extinct in the country in '78, with their chatter that make a sort of Maremma plain Prussian German: we lack only a couple of brooms, three olives and four heifers. Well, if you search for those goods are easily found: just make a nice selection of stud cows, draft horses and sows for fattening.

My boss has suggested that, as the only one without a fan, I could start working at 3 am and end at eleven, so as to make me a relaxing afternoon nap in my apartment-like emissions. I'm not kidding, I actually suggested it. In German, of course, but I think I got it right when I repeated it twice in English. If I was still dazed probably would have tried to explain it to me in Italian.

short, as my grandmother would say if he had Alzheimer's:
"It's a caƔld by morera!"

What makes ... afa


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