Tuesday, June 9, 2009

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What I miss Italy.

Having moved to Berlin from well 10 days I begin to feel nostalgia Italian soil. In fact I do not know how to move forward, are a nostalgic sentimental.

I miss the bidet!

This is not hard, time is short, with all the chores to do at home (washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking) and I have to also make a couple of showers a day or more without a bidet ...
Other than that I do not miss anything. Of course, nothing. Because in Italy it is not nothing left: no more half-season, there is no religion and there are more beautiful songs than once (Mark Charter docet). Not only that, in Italy there siamo persi un altra cosa ancora più importante: la Politica. Il Bel Paese è ormai in ginocchio sia dal punto di vista morale che culturale e la televisione occupa il ruolo fondamentale in questo rimbambimento generale. La gente ormai pensa più ai reality show che alla vita vera e propria, indebitandosi per comprare l'iphone o l'lcd da 45 pollici solo per vedere le partite di calcio in pay per view, si veste Cavalli o D&G per poi accorgersi di non arrivare a fine mese, magari perché non ha calcolato che il mutuo è a tasso variabile e la rata questo mese è aumentata a dismisura. Tutto questo solo perché i mass media impongono determinati usi, costumi, esigenze che non sono necessarie. Come si suole dire: il troppo stroppia. La mia is a general criticism of our leadership, I do not stop to the right or left, north or south, to the dogs or cats. How credible do you consider a country where it took the campaign to force the European elections has often been head of government to participate for the first times in the event of April 25, in which the annuity Storace also calls for Republicans Salo, they apply showgirls, letters, letteronze, and Mastella? How do you still believe in a political class that taxpayer money will buy villas in Kenya, which on one side exhibits photographs of the feasts of the premier private two days before the election and the other starts
toast to the birthday of a certain half-rebuilt eighteen who plays the vamp behind the regrowth of his black hair bleached and basks in the flash of the flak that the actress even at the polling station? But then, I say there really need to "photoshopped" 'ste damn pictures?

Okay, you've voted in Italy, I did not. For technical problems, of course (embassy, \u200b\u200bdocuments, etc.. Etc.), But if you're wondering who I voted for the answer is simple: none. Tab, nothing, not even white because I'm sure someone in the seat or somewhere else a segnetto we can also put it. Why? You simply do not feel represented by anyone in the political landscape today. I omit the right because I never ever owned and I do not belong. I had to vote the League that even though it has made in its factories as time keeps the PCI and xenophobic drift squad? Apart from that Silvio is a special case, how can you be represented by people like Cicchitto, Bocchino, a charlatan turncoats as a layman ultraradicale Capezzone that is passed to the official spokesman of the PDL. While in 2004 railed against the Pope, Binetti abortion, now defends the words the Holy Father has spoken in Africa on condom. At least Dini and Prodi dropped after he gets re-elected from the ranks of the PDL is not done nor seen nor heard. I am surprised that there was no candidate with the UDC, the champion of Christendom party headed by a divorced white credibilissimo the Emanuele Filiberto.
I would not have voted even for the PD: it is a party without an identity that can not even decide which group to join the European Parliament, which is rumored to give space to young people, but in reality it is still run by the usual unknown D'Alema, who at the time were to save as many as 400 million euro has been expressed by combining two votes opposed. The project is fallito nel momento in cui si sono volute unire due realtà, quella post-comunista dei DS e post-democristiana della Margherita, che non potranno mai convivere se non al prezzo di rinnovare completamente la classe dirigente che porti idee che siano sì nuove, ma anche condivise all’interno del partito.

Se il comunismo è fallito con il crollo dell’URSS ed il capitalismo ha dimostrato il suo fallimento con il recente Credit Crunch, bisogna trovare altre vie. Anche se i governi di ogni dove sono costretti ad un pesante intervento dello stato nell’economia (Obama docet) è assurdo ancora oggi pensare al vecchio concetto di lotta di classe (per lo meno nel ricco “nord” the world), yet the radical left is still against all, against everything, even against itself fragmenting into a thousand pieces only to have a seat in parliament. Of course this is only because they, too, that link, it showed the internal struggle to Rifondazione about a year ago when in a party that had barely reached 3% of the votes were reported in the challenge of internal fraud and Vendola Ferrero. If I were dead, I swear, I turn in his grave. And the good
Di Pietro did not say anything? It has the merit of having made a more concrete objection to Veltroni, the demerit of being elected to have a certain Sergio De Gregorio (self = grab votes) which contributed to the fall of the last Prodi government, but a party that is based on hatred towards the Prime Minister has neither history nor the future.

And now two months after the earthquake in Italy, happened by accident in the electoral campaign, no one had the courage to propose to donate the full 8 per thousand for reconstruction rather than being reserved to religious beliefs (in 2008, there were More than a thousand million euro). Meanwhile the news
Aquilani silent and suffer the cold at night and hot during the day locked up in the tents of the Civil Defense.

While there are still those who believe that there should be a strong man, the socialist bloc throughout Europe: it has begun a new Fascist?

"Ai guasti di un pericoloso sgretolamento della volontà generale, al naufragio della coscienza civica nella perdita del senso del diritto, ultimo, estremo baluardo della questione morale, è dovere della collettività resistere, resistere, resistere come su una irrinunciabile linea del Piave". Francesco Saverio Borrelli - Inaugurazione dell'anno giudiziario, 12 gennaio del 2002.


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