Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Happens To The Semen

on the arrest of Divjak

Poche e brevi riflessioni sull’arresto di Jovan Divjak e sulla Bosnia Erzegovina
di Luca Leone (Infinito Edizioni) - 8 marzo 2011

L’episodio dell’arresto – avvenuto giovedì 3 marzo all’aeroporto di Vienna su mandato di cattura internazionale spiccato dalle autorità giudiziarie di Belgrado per un discusso fatto di guerra dell’inizio del 1992 – dell’ex generale Jovan Divjak, passato alla storia come il comandante serbo che difese Sarajevo dall’assedio ultranazionalista serbo-bosniaco, ha riportato alla luce, una volta di più, l’interminabile dopoguerra balcanico, un dopoguerra mal gestito dalla comunità internazionale e tremendamente strumentalizzato dai partiti nazionalisti ininterrottamente al potere in Bosnia Erzegovina e apertamente sostenuti da una politica europea sempre più disattenta ai diritti dei popoli e sempre più partecipe those of businessmen.

Our publishing house has published the 2007 memoirs of Jovan Divjak, "Sarajevo, mon amour", awarded by an excellent critical acclaim and audiences. Even at that time, when we organized an extensive tour of presentations, and finished off from Trieste to Rome, we were able to experience first hand the contrast of feelings surrounding the man Divjak, hailed as a hero by Bosnian and treated as a traitor by Bosnian Serb and Serbian nationalism more radical and equity. On that occasion, suddenly vanished the invitation of prestigious guest we had offered months before his seat - despite the Digos garantisse a chi scrive l’ordine pubblico e la sicurezza personale dell’ex militare diventato filantropo e fondatore della più nota organizzazione bosniaca attiva nell’aiuto e nel sostegno di minori orfani e bisognosi – si pensò di trasferire con una certa celerità Divjak da Trieste a Teglio Veneto, dove – ospite di un’associazione locale coraggiosa, a differenza di quegli ospiti poco…ospitali… – l’uomo poté riprendersi dall’amarezza di quell’esperienza e tornare a concentrarsi sul lungo giro di presentazioni che lo aspettava. E che andò splendidamente.

Non avevamo mai raccontato pubblicamente l’episodio, ma questo sembra il momento giusto to do so.

today, who left the specter of a possible extradition from Austria to Serbia Divjak - at least according to statements made yesterday by Minister of Foreign Affairs Vienna, Michael Spindelegger, who said that "according to our experts in international law, a ' Divjak's extradition to Serbia is unthinkable ", and a statement of Marjana Grandits (Human Rights Commission of the Austrian Ministry of Interior) come through the Alexander Langer Foundation, Divjak that is" in great shape. Read and write a lot. It is defended by one of the best lawyers in the field, convinced of being able to avoid extradition, but must remain in Austria "to the conclusion of a long judicial procedure - in order to better frame the man and not risk falling foul of strange "profiles" read here and there on the Web, it is perhaps worth quoting a few lines of the prologue to the book "Sarajevo, mon amour", written by the French journalist Florence La Bruyere: "Jovan Divjak embodies the European ideal, so brutally trampled in the former Yugoslavia. Rejecting a division of men and lands according to ethnic or racial criteria, is that he wanted to defend peace, coexistence between peoples, even more of their 'peaceful coexistence'. Is in the name of a genuine conception of the dignity and rights man he has resisted the temptations of nationalism, and he risked his life to the idea of \u200b\u200ba Europe without borders, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Even today, Divjak, who left the army and did not want to aspire to other positions or to obtain the minimum privilege for his past, wants to be at the service of reconciliation and brotherhood, and this testifies to his efforts on behalf of young people. Whoever clings furiously to a flag and ideology are afraid to see his identity disappear as if afraid of not being a virgin, he noticed one day the director Volker Schlöndorff. 'Well, the identity can never be lost - he added - as it is earned a little daily contact with others, es'arricchisce of history, culture and language of each. 'conviction is the same as this enthusiastic soul Jovan Divjak. " And that our publishing house - having met the man and in charge actively, every day, peace and human rights in the Balkans, sincerely acknowledges, no matter what happened in Sarajevo, Dobrovoljacka ulica, May 3, 1992, when a column of Yugoslav Army (JNA) and citizens' groups and members of the fledgling Bosnian army clashed, once again demonstrating that in Bosnia was fought for months a tragic and bloody war. A war is not ethnic or religious, but economic and territorial conquest, which is scheduled to table as the hatred that was scientifically instilled in people, and still too many runs in his veins. And the question that everyone should be asking today is: why no one is working to pull out an antidote, although there would be, and even at your fingertips?

Jovan Divjak
Infinite Editions, 2007
340 pp, € 18.00


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