New demonstrations in several cities against the government of Croatia Jadranka Kosor, but people took to the streets does not trust even the opposition and even Europe
Marina Szikora [*] How
announced, and as is now every second day, Friday 'evening, the event now known as' Facebook protest "brought together again in the Piazza dei Fiori in Zagreb tirelessly all those who have decided to march through the streets of the capital in protest against the government of Jadranka Kosor. Estimates of the number of those who took part are different, depending on the profile of the media. According to state television, Friday 'evening, the number of protesters on Wednesday that it would not otrepassato' last, that 'a few thousand people, but according to newspapers like the daily newspaper Jutarnji list "or the weekly" Nacional ", the streets of Zagreb marched Friday' between 8,000 and 10,000 people. The event 'game, as mentioned, by now customary place of meeting, the Piazza dei Fiori, then onward to the largest number of institutions of power in Croatia, those media, political and economic. The people took to the streets were mostly young people, carrying placards with slogans "350,000 unemployed," "The highways are owned 'public', 'You do not serve the people but stolen," "Government get out" and shouted the name of the prime minister to resign. In the Piazza dei Fiori people have approached representatives of trade unions claiming that the leaders of the six unions are Croats with the demonstrators and will continue to support them. "The place of trade unions and 'in place' they said, adding that today there are" two Croatia: one of the chairs of the poor and simple people. "
From Piazza dei Fiori and the first stage of demonstranti 'Radiceva been away last week and that' was a place of confrontation and violence. The cordons of police blocked the road to the city 'where is the old seat of government, the law prohibited area for the event. Shouting "Resignation, dimissioni!» i manifestanti hanno incendiato candele davanti ai cordoni di polizia e poi hanno continuato il loro cammino verso la sede dell'HDZ. Anche li' venivano bloccati da un cordone di decine di poliziotti a cui i manifestanti hanno gridato «Voi proteggete la mafia», «Vogliamo le elezioni», «Jadranka, questa e' la fine, addio e non tornare piu'». Numerosi studenti portavano un grande manifesto sul quale c'era scritto «HEP (che e' la maggiore compagnia per l'elettricita', n.d.t.), acque, foreste, sanita', educazione....contro la privatizzazione! Contro il capitalismo e contro l'Ue». Moltiplicandosi, il numero dei manifestanti ha raggiunto poi la sede dell'Agenzia di occupazione dove hanno gridato "We want to work." A known how the main evening news bulletin of the state television HTV had spoken of only fifteen hundred people on the streets of Zagreb, angry protesters have decided to go outside the headquarters of the television to see how many they were truly and shouting "We want the truth ' "There will pay the cannon" continued towards the building where the giant media holding Europapress shouted "Liar, you have dumbed down the people." The event was' ended at 22 pm without incident. Unlike the violence of last Saturday, when angry demonstrators hurled stones, bottles and other objects at hand, this time to give policemen olive branches and sandwiches with an explanation that it's easier to snack on them the obligation of the night work.
In short, the situation calms down and the organizers of the event will announce other, already 'tomorrow [today, Sunday, ed] and they say they will not stop until' the government and the prime minister did not resign until ' the people will not be 'called on to vote early.
Meanwhile, this week, the opposition led by the Social Democratic president Zoran Milanovic, asked for three consecutive days to report to the Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor in Parliament and report on the situation in the capital and the country. But the government party, the HDZ tries to first the thesis that the plan and insist richeista opposition, consciously or unconsciously, and 'directed at the conclusion of accession negotiations with Croatia the EU. So 'one of the leaders of the HDZ, the newspaper' Jutarnji list ', says that when they come from the EU encouragement and advice you need to work with greater intensity' and doubled their efforts, the Prime Minister Kosor must consume energy dealing demonstrations and explanations to the opposition. Very few are his comments and in a nutshell, Jadranka Kosor declares that "no violence, peaceful protests are '" but warns that there will be elections, but at the end of the year or early next, that the election date according to the Constitution will be 'determined by a majority government and not square. And being an official visit Friday 'in Slovakia, Bratislava, Kosor has accused the opposition of seeking to qualify the events as a state of emergency but that' does not exist in Croatia. He said he did not and 'refused to come to Parliament but had specific commitments agreed in advance. "When we realize the historic task and conclude negotiations with the EU, then agree on the date of the elections" said the Croatian premier.
I would like to inform you that even in the midst of this very current situation in Croatia, Thursday ', after 58 days spent in detention at the prison in Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croatian defender Tihomir Purda and 'back in Croatia, that' his city 'Vukovar, to embrace his wife and children. Tihomir Purda, we talked about in our broadcasts, and 'was arrested on the border with BiH' cause he was hanging on a Serbian arrest warrant for alleged war crimes. Tihomir Purda, it should be noted, was a prisoner of war in the Serbian concentration camps in the nineties where under torture and threats had admitted his guilt and signed. After an intense activity 'of the two Ministries of Justice, the Croatian and Serbian, Croatian under intense public pressure, in particular the population of the defenders last Saturday staged a protest demonstration in the main square in Zagreb, Purda e' stato liberato dal carcere di estradizione in BiH mentre, secondo le parole del portavoce della Procura serba, Bruno Vekaric, il processo penale e' stato sospeso per mancanza di prove contro Purda accusato di aver commesso crimini di guerra nel 1991 a Vukovar. Vekaric ha spiegato che una tale decisione e' stata presa perche' la giustizia militare serba degli anni novanta ha codotto male le indagini.
Ovviamente, le reazioni in Serbia non sono mancate, in particolare quelle negative provenienti dalle fila dell'opposizione. Cosi' Aleksandar Vucic, vicepresidente del maggiore partito di opposizione il Partito serbo del progresso di Tomislav Nikolic, afferma che le autorita' serbe «si sono attivate seriamente per tranquilizzare le manifestazioni in Croatia. " Among the comments also to Petar Petkovic, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Serbia, DSS former Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica who points out that while almost 45 thousand Serbs seek in vain for the restitution of their assets in Croatia, the authorities' only to think in Serbia interests of others. Dragan Todorovic, vice president of the ultra nationalist Serbian Radical Party accused the Hague, Vojislav Seselj Serbian currency the decision as shameful.
emotion and enthusiasm in Vukovar in Croatia but also for the long-awaited and hoped-for release of Tihomir Purda, did not erase the differences and accusations of who 'was to blame for the crash and how Purda could avoid this story cosi' traumatica per un difensore croato, vittima di uno dei tanti campi di concentramento serbi. Nemmeno la numerosa popolazione dei difensori e' unanime e ci sono quelli che annunciano ulteriori manifestazioni di protesta perche' ritengono che l'esito positivo del caso Purda sia arrivato troppo tardi. L'esponente del partito governativo e candidato presidenziale dell'HDZ alle ultime elezioni, Andrija Hebrang ha accusato invece il capo dello stato Ivo Josipovic e la sua politica di riconciliazione nella regione e soprattutto verso la Serbia perche', afferma Hebrang, il presidente Josipovic non ha insistito di far cadere tutte le accuse contro i difensori croati. A rispondergli lo stesso Presidente il quale si e' detto sorpreso delle dichiarazioni di Hebrang in quanto member of the government party that, as acutely's policy of reconciliation also supported and carried forward by the Government and the Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor.
All this to illustrate that there are various levels of dissatisfaction in the country and which undoubtedly are also used as a contrast between the positions of the opposition and the government that openly calls for the resignation of the government and calls the actual date of the election.
Today [Friday, Saturday, ed] in other cities' Croatian held as anti-government protests. In all, eight cities' in which Croatian citizens follow the example of serious yesterday in the capital. It then manfesta to Zara, the city 'which is a largely political in favor of the party orintabile government but which has seen hundreds of people marched this morning with posters and shouting against the power. The largest number of protesters were young people. But the most 'many demonstrators were present in the small city' where Varazdin Baroque met the workers without pay, unemployed, young people on Facebook. In the evening, expect the demonstrations in Split, Osijek and Rijeka to the closure.
[*] Radical Radio correspondent. The text is the transcript of the match aired Saturday, March 5.
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's demonstration against the Government of Croatia Rijeka (Photo: In Pavletič / PIXSELL by ) |
announced, and as is now every second day, Friday 'evening, the event now known as' Facebook protest "brought together again in the Piazza dei Fiori in Zagreb tirelessly all those who have decided to march through the streets of the capital in protest against the government of Jadranka Kosor. Estimates of the number of those who took part are different, depending on the profile of the media. According to state television, Friday 'evening, the number of protesters on Wednesday that it would not otrepassato' last, that 'a few thousand people, but according to newspapers like the daily newspaper Jutarnji list "or the weekly" Nacional ", the streets of Zagreb marched Friday' between 8,000 and 10,000 people. The event 'game, as mentioned, by now customary place of meeting, the Piazza dei Fiori, then onward to the largest number of institutions of power in Croatia, those media, political and economic. The people took to the streets were mostly young people, carrying placards with slogans "350,000 unemployed," "The highways are owned 'public', 'You do not serve the people but stolen," "Government get out" and shouted the name of the prime minister to resign. In the Piazza dei Fiori people have approached representatives of trade unions claiming that the leaders of the six unions are Croats with the demonstrators and will continue to support them. "The place of trade unions and 'in place' they said, adding that today there are" two Croatia: one of the chairs of the poor and simple people. "
From Piazza dei Fiori and the first stage of demonstranti 'Radiceva been away last week and that' was a place of confrontation and violence. The cordons of police blocked the road to the city 'where is the old seat of government, the law prohibited area for the event. Shouting "Resignation, dimissioni!» i manifestanti hanno incendiato candele davanti ai cordoni di polizia e poi hanno continuato il loro cammino verso la sede dell'HDZ. Anche li' venivano bloccati da un cordone di decine di poliziotti a cui i manifestanti hanno gridato «Voi proteggete la mafia», «Vogliamo le elezioni», «Jadranka, questa e' la fine, addio e non tornare piu'». Numerosi studenti portavano un grande manifesto sul quale c'era scritto «HEP (che e' la maggiore compagnia per l'elettricita', n.d.t.), acque, foreste, sanita', educazione....contro la privatizzazione! Contro il capitalismo e contro l'Ue». Moltiplicandosi, il numero dei manifestanti ha raggiunto poi la sede dell'Agenzia di occupazione dove hanno gridato "We want to work." A known how the main evening news bulletin of the state television HTV had spoken of only fifteen hundred people on the streets of Zagreb, angry protesters have decided to go outside the headquarters of the television to see how many they were truly and shouting "We want the truth ' "There will pay the cannon" continued towards the building where the giant media holding Europapress shouted "Liar, you have dumbed down the people." The event was' ended at 22 pm without incident. Unlike the violence of last Saturday, when angry demonstrators hurled stones, bottles and other objects at hand, this time to give policemen olive branches and sandwiches with an explanation that it's easier to snack on them the obligation of the night work.
In short, the situation calms down and the organizers of the event will announce other, already 'tomorrow [today, Sunday, ed] and they say they will not stop until' the government and the prime minister did not resign until ' the people will not be 'called on to vote early.
Meanwhile, this week, the opposition led by the Social Democratic president Zoran Milanovic, asked for three consecutive days to report to the Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor in Parliament and report on the situation in the capital and the country. But the government party, the HDZ tries to first the thesis that the plan and insist richeista opposition, consciously or unconsciously, and 'directed at the conclusion of accession negotiations with Croatia the EU. So 'one of the leaders of the HDZ, the newspaper' Jutarnji list ', says that when they come from the EU encouragement and advice you need to work with greater intensity' and doubled their efforts, the Prime Minister Kosor must consume energy dealing demonstrations and explanations to the opposition. Very few are his comments and in a nutshell, Jadranka Kosor declares that "no violence, peaceful protests are '" but warns that there will be elections, but at the end of the year or early next, that the election date according to the Constitution will be 'determined by a majority government and not square. And being an official visit Friday 'in Slovakia, Bratislava, Kosor has accused the opposition of seeking to qualify the events as a state of emergency but that' does not exist in Croatia. He said he did not and 'refused to come to Parliament but had specific commitments agreed in advance. "When we realize the historic task and conclude negotiations with the EU, then agree on the date of the elections" said the Croatian premier.
I would like to inform you that even in the midst of this very current situation in Croatia, Thursday ', after 58 days spent in detention at the prison in Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croatian defender Tihomir Purda and 'back in Croatia, that' his city 'Vukovar, to embrace his wife and children. Tihomir Purda, we talked about in our broadcasts, and 'was arrested on the border with BiH' cause he was hanging on a Serbian arrest warrant for alleged war crimes. Tihomir Purda, it should be noted, was a prisoner of war in the Serbian concentration camps in the nineties where under torture and threats had admitted his guilt and signed. After an intense activity 'of the two Ministries of Justice, the Croatian and Serbian, Croatian under intense public pressure, in particular the population of the defenders last Saturday staged a protest demonstration in the main square in Zagreb, Purda e' stato liberato dal carcere di estradizione in BiH mentre, secondo le parole del portavoce della Procura serba, Bruno Vekaric, il processo penale e' stato sospeso per mancanza di prove contro Purda accusato di aver commesso crimini di guerra nel 1991 a Vukovar. Vekaric ha spiegato che una tale decisione e' stata presa perche' la giustizia militare serba degli anni novanta ha codotto male le indagini.
Ovviamente, le reazioni in Serbia non sono mancate, in particolare quelle negative provenienti dalle fila dell'opposizione. Cosi' Aleksandar Vucic, vicepresidente del maggiore partito di opposizione il Partito serbo del progresso di Tomislav Nikolic, afferma che le autorita' serbe «si sono attivate seriamente per tranquilizzare le manifestazioni in Croatia. " Among the comments also to Petar Petkovic, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Serbia, DSS former Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica who points out that while almost 45 thousand Serbs seek in vain for the restitution of their assets in Croatia, the authorities' only to think in Serbia interests of others. Dragan Todorovic, vice president of the ultra nationalist Serbian Radical Party accused the Hague, Vojislav Seselj Serbian currency the decision as shameful.
emotion and enthusiasm in Vukovar in Croatia but also for the long-awaited and hoped-for release of Tihomir Purda, did not erase the differences and accusations of who 'was to blame for the crash and how Purda could avoid this story cosi' traumatica per un difensore croato, vittima di uno dei tanti campi di concentramento serbi. Nemmeno la numerosa popolazione dei difensori e' unanime e ci sono quelli che annunciano ulteriori manifestazioni di protesta perche' ritengono che l'esito positivo del caso Purda sia arrivato troppo tardi. L'esponente del partito governativo e candidato presidenziale dell'HDZ alle ultime elezioni, Andrija Hebrang ha accusato invece il capo dello stato Ivo Josipovic e la sua politica di riconciliazione nella regione e soprattutto verso la Serbia perche', afferma Hebrang, il presidente Josipovic non ha insistito di far cadere tutte le accuse contro i difensori croati. A rispondergli lo stesso Presidente il quale si e' detto sorpreso delle dichiarazioni di Hebrang in quanto member of the government party that, as acutely's policy of reconciliation also supported and carried forward by the Government and the Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor.
All this to illustrate that there are various levels of dissatisfaction in the country and which undoubtedly are also used as a contrast between the positions of the opposition and the government that openly calls for the resignation of the government and calls the actual date of the election.
Today [Friday, Saturday, ed] in other cities' Croatian held as anti-government protests. In all, eight cities' in which Croatian citizens follow the example of serious yesterday in the capital. It then manfesta to Zara, the city 'which is a largely political in favor of the party orintabile government but which has seen hundreds of people marched this morning with posters and shouting against the power. The largest number of protesters were young people. But the most 'many demonstrators were present in the small city' where Varazdin Baroque met the workers without pay, unemployed, young people on Facebook. In the evening, expect the demonstrations in Split, Osijek and Rijeka to the closure.
[*] Radical Radio correspondent. The text is the transcript of the match aired Saturday, March 5.
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