Given the fashion today to make room for unnecessary rights of reply, I decided to submit an application to myself to have the right to respond to what has recently found myself the same as such.
I have twice denied this possibility. I then
Pro-life Association asked intercession in order to respond to my name, but I also expressed refusal to them (with a side of colorful insults), and finally allowed myself to allow me to participate in the broadcast, but only adapt to the format. The format you use for a few weeks this part on TV is to read lists. To read this now "The list of things I want to eat during the Christmas holidays, when I'm back in Italy."
Now, put the music in the background of "away with me" and imagine me reading the list, in a suit and tie, looking grim for those who is fighting for the good of all humanity; words scanned for good, for make more effect on the listener ed aumentare l'enfasi del discorso:
-Polenta e bruscitt
-Polenta e asan
-Polenta e coniglio
-Polenta abbrustolita
-Polenta ed ossi buchi
-Polenta concia
-Polenta e zola
-La casöla (con un po' di Polenta)
-La trippa coi fagioli
-Gli gnocchi di zucca (cristo santo sono 10 anni che non li mangio)
-Il minestrone
-I ravioli in brodo
-La tamburináa
-I casonsei
-Il vero gorgonzola
-Una bella pizza con mozzarella di bufala
-Un pezzo di formaggio misto stravecchio delle nostre Valli Varesine: così piccante -ed ammuffito da provocare un'embolia ad un tecnico dell'ASL
-Una svizzera di cavallo
-Un fiorentina da mezzo chilo
-Il risotto coi funghi
-Il fegato di coniglio con le cipolle
-Risi e bisi
-Una carbonara come dio comanda
-Risotto e quaglie
-L'anatra all'arancia
-Il semifreddo della zia (che non ha nome, ma sto piangendo al solo pensare quanto -sia buono)
-La faraona ripiena
-Il cappone lesso con la mostarda di frutta
-Il lesso con la mostarda di frutta
-Lingua salmistrata e salsa verde
-La pasta all'uovo con spinaci e quattro formaggi
-I pizzoccheri annegati nel burro
-La ricotta
-Baccalà alla vicentina (con la Polenta)
-I-I bigoli
donuts my grandmother
-The grandmother of the other Meotti
-salami, prosciutto, coppa, salted pork, bacon, bacon, dried beef and the hunters who bag my relatives .
-salami-head hog
Sausage and lentil.
Okay, now imagine me with shiny eyes, genuinely moved and thoughts to the lost homeland and thrust its teeth through a reaction Berliner Currywurst insulting God
If it is true that "we are what we eat" the society should be composed primarily of coprophagia.
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